Leo Horoscope for March 2018

Leo Horoscope for March 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This looks to be a fascinating, informative, and ultimately transformative month for you, Leo. You are quite other-directed at this time, and reaping the benefits of partnership, which opens up new perspectives for you to ponder, and as well contributes to your on-going transformation of values. You are making a giant fresh start in the area of relationship interaction, with plenty of positive consequences for your own creativity. Partly as a result, you are also uncovering novel factors of your mission statement, which you are equally dedicated to pursuing. Additionally, this month leads you to further adventures in intimacy which in turn help you to understand yourself in the deeper layers of your psyche. You might find yourself excitable and easily swayed by an attractive prospect, ad do well to seek a balance of practicality. After the 22nd, you will be revising and refining your worldview, travel plans, and your basic beliefs, shifting these nearer to your true heart’s desire.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month of March begins with a Full Moon in your second house of finances, resources, and productivity. You might be spending a good deal of energy this month evaluating your personal financial situation. It’s a good time to be meticulous and detail-oriented with your budget.

On March 4th the Sun and Neptune conjoin in Pisces, therefore in your eighth house, while Mercury and Venus also conjoin in Pisces. While the month begins with your own financial situation in the spotlight, there is also a concentration of planets making aspects in the house of your partner’s money and finances. The dynamics between the second and eighth houses often show up in relationships when one partner is responsible for more of the bills, or one partner is doing more of the spending, etc., so watch for these kinds of tensions this month. On the other hand, with all these planets stacking up in your eighth house you could also be diving into deeper emotional waters and exploring your vulnerabilities and fears more openly.

Late March 5th into early March 6th Mercury will cross into Aries and on March 6th Venus will also enter Aries, both thus moving into your ninth house of spiritual values, higher education, religion, and long journeys. You might be feeling fired up about your beliefs, opinions, or studies right now. It’s easy for a passionate discussion to turn heated with these planets, so just be aware of that and let cooler heads prevail. It helps to remember that the opposite of a great truth isn’t a falsehood but another great truth!

Between late in the evening of March 10th through March 13th Mercury and Venus in Aries in your ninth house will be moving through square aspects to Saturn in Capricorn in your sixth house. Your words, thoughts, and feelings have the power to damage yourself, or others, right now, so be mindful of the power you wield. Don’t try to force or bully others into anything. You may also feel inspired by a healing cause, or strive to put your philosophy or beliefs into practical service. Don’t forget the sentiment of St. Francis, who said, “Preach the Gospel always, and use words if necessary.”

On March 17th the Pisces New Moon takes place in your eighth house, giving you a fresh start on intimacy issues with ch Erished partners as well as depth researches into you own motivations. Mars also enters Capricorn now, and therefore moves into your sixth house, marking a period that may highlight careful and sustained effort, duty, devotion, and service to a cause or mission. It’s a good time to work hard toward your goals and ambitions, as you now have not only the conviction but the actual physical energy to put your ideas into practical form. This month is all about mobilizing your passion into tangible, serviceable results.

March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, at which time the Sun goes into Aries, and your ninth house, signaling the dawning of the light half of the year. Every King or Queen needs a court full of faithful advisors, and the Sun moving through your ninth house is just that. Listen to what your heart is telling you, listen for the voice of your teachers guiding you along the uncommon road. The Sun in the 9th house is like a mighty wind at your back, and right now it’s also foreshadowing a powerful change of pace that will be affecting your career and professional life by the middle of May, when Uranus will leave your ninth house of beliefs and higher studies after seven + years and enter your career sector. The conviction you are likely feeling this month thus marks an important tipping point!

Next, on March 23rd Venus in Aries in your ninth house Squares Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house, while Mercury also turns retrograde in Aries in your ninth house. You may have to adjust some of your expectations, or some of your strategy and approach may have to change or adapt along the way for your mission to be more effective. Some of your relationships, personal or professional, may also be transforming before your eyes right now as you are preparing for some very big changes in the months ahead.

On March 28th Venus briefly conjoins Uranus in Aries in your ninth house. Here we see the planet of love and relationships conjoin with the planet of the rebel and the innovator in the house of your beliefs, higher studies, and long journeys. You may be called to think outside of the box or to come up with innovative solutions to complex relationship challenges or demands. Don’t be surprised if your inner rebel or child needs to act out, or if your friends or lovers are asking more of you than what you might be ready for. You might find that work issues become solved in unexpected ways involving travel or changing beliefs.

Finally, on March 31st it’s a Full Moon in Libra in your third house of communication. For as fiery and convicted as your month is, things end with a call to diplomacy, harmony, peace, and careful communication. Remember that while your life might be preparing for a major revolution in the months ahead (again, Uranus, the planet of innovation and rebellion is entering your career house in May!), the people around you still need you to be caring, gentle, and tactful. This Full Moon is good practice for handling the Uranian energy that’s coming your way shortly!

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