Leo Horoscope for April 2018

Leo Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in for a month of ups and downs, Leo, which test you, and yet grant you the rewards of rising above. You are feeling a serious commitment to your evolving mission statement, what you are all about in this lifetime. It is difficult to move forward, except on the inside. The first three weeks of April are spent in a form of preparation for new career or professional goals, especially since Mercury is retrograding through your sector of higher mind. You are thus refining and revolutionizing the way that you see the world around you, to include travel and educational initiatives. After the powerful New Moon of the 15th you experience a flurry of new directions and insights. Then, in the week beginning on the 22nd, you are coming out with new agendas for career and self-expression, based on deep-seated values and on ideas that have long been percolating well below the surface layers of your personality.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The new month begins just as Mercury is cazimi (closely conjunct) with the Sun in Aries in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys. Cazimi is a special condition that occurs when a planet is in an exact conjunction with the Sun. It’s said that a planet in this condition is greatly empowered, like the seal of the King given to an ambassador. With this conjunction taking place in your ninth house to begin the month you might be meeting a new teacher, or you might be feeling inspired to study something new or to take your studies in a new direction. It’s a good time to explore your beliefs, and it’s an especially good time to clarify and doubts you might be having about your core beliefs or philosophical convictions.

Between April 7th and April 11th Venus in Taurus in your tenth house of career and public reputation will make trines to Saturn and Mars in Capricorn in your sixth house of labor, health issues, and service. Right now, you are preparing for some very significant changes that will be coming into your career house next month when the planet Uranus enters Taurus and moves into your tenth house. In the meantime, this combination of planets depicts both hard work, focus, and productivity, as well as grace, good fortune, harmony, and beauty in the workplace. As a Leo you are proud and generous by nature, but this transit will encourage you to find success by working hard and earning a certain level of admiration, rather than being entitled to it.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys, will make a square to Pluto in your sixth house of labor, health issues, and service. Your faith is being tested right now, or you are being asked to put your beliefs into common practice or service in the world. This may require some humility on your part, but also your generosity, which you have in spades. You may also find that you are inspired to make a change in your life for greater health and wellness. Many of our diseases begin in the mind, and so just as frequently the path to wellness begins with a change of mind. Being open to new ideas right now will go a long way to improving your life and the lives of those around you.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your ninth house, exact just days after a New Moon in your ninth house on April 15th. Ever since May of 2010, the planet Uranus (planet of rebellion, discovery, and disruption of the status-quo) has been in your ninth house, completing transforming your beliefs, or perhaps sending you to far away places or even involving you in a journey of learning and education. Now the planet Uranus is preparing to leave the ninth house and enter the tenth house of career, next month, where it will stay for the next seven to eight years. Before it leaves you are now crossing an incredibly important threshold. This is a moment where you are looking to take the lessons learned forward into a new career direction. Just remember that this transformation will take time and it will require your patience, as well as your willingness to harmonize with others in whatever new direction you will take.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in your tenth house will oppose Jupiter in Scorpio in your fourth house of home, family, and property. Traditionally, the benefic planets were associated with the kind of weather conditions needed to make plants or crops grow and prosper. So, it’s never a bad thing to see Venus and Jupiter moving through your career and home house at once. This transit would generally indicate growth (or good fortune) in both areas, simultaneously. However, growth can be stressful. Imagine, for example, that you are remodeling, moving, or expanding your home business while also finishing a successful or profitable project at work. When everything is growing at once, sometimes we are busier than ever. It’s important that you don’t spread yourself too thin and that you look for the right balance between your public or professional duties and your home life.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of labor, health issues, and service. If you have been dealing with any perpetual or chronic illnesses, then you might be reaching a critical moment of transformation and healing. It will require your full commitment, courage, and participation if you’re going to make lasting changes. The sixth house is also a house where we frequently find ourselves engaged in serving, fighting, or working hard for something, sometimes too hard, so don’t be surprised if you are engaged in service quite intensely right now, and be careful not to overwork or exhaust yourself. If you oversee, employ, or hire other people, then don’t be surprised if there are significant changes or challenges in relation to those you manage. Remember to be your most generous and loveable self, and everything will work out fine!


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