Leo Horoscope for May 2018

Leo Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month for you, Leo, and one that has much to do with your outer world and how this connects to inner priorities. Your profession and career has been on your mind in the week leading up to the beginning of May, especially at the quarter Moon of April 22nd. Leading up to mid-May you are in a form of preparation, solidifying your understanding of what you are truly up to, and where you are coming from regarding your most sincere beliefs and values. Your interior ideals speak to you quite directly. With the advent of the potent Taurus New Moon of May 15th, accompanied by the entrance of Uranus into this same sign, you are expanding your horizon regarding what is possible regarding your work in the world. This indeed for you, right now, must come from a deep place of inner commitment, to the point where nothing else will truly satisfy you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Two important transits are rocking your heavens this month. First is the ingress of Uranus into Taurus, and the second transit is the recent entrance of Chiron into Aries, from the middle of last month. Both transits are very significant for Leos, so let’s look at each of them, in-depth.

For the past eight years, the planet Uranus has been transiting through Aries in your ninth house of religion, higher learning, and long journeys. On May 15th Uranus will now change signs and houses, moving into the fixed earth sign of Taurus thereby entering your tenth house of career, public reputation, authority, and worldly success. Over the past eight years you may have been actively exploring your beliefs, studying or deepening your studies of various subject matters, or perhaps traveling or spending time immersed in a foreign culture. Uranus is the planet of emancipation and awakening, invention and disruption, and so with Uranus moving through the ninth house its also likely that you have been challenging the status-quo, daring to study or consider radically different ideas or beliefs, advocating for things you are deeply convicted about, or getting involved with interesting people or topics from other parts of the world. Now, as Uranus enters your tenth house your career house is about to get shaken to the core. Don’t be surprised if your career or career interests take some unexpected and exciting twists and turns over the months to come (and beyond as Uranus will take seven + years to transit your tenth house!). Uranus in the tenth house is also known for changes to fame or infamy, for popular leaders who defy norms, for challenges to authority, and for innovative ideas, projects, and companies. Uranus in your tenth house is also an invitation to put the beliefs, traveling, and intellectual exploring that you’ve been focused on for the past seven to eight years into service for you, as you more fully enter the public eye. As a Leo, you’re not a stranger to the spotlight, yet still, be careful, because while Uranus is exciting, it’s a planet that isn’t always aware of how it is being received by its audience. Uranian transits can embody so much idealism that we forget about the interpersonal reality of our relationships, or we can forget how to make a groundbreaking idea accessible rather than confrontational. It might help you to keep these things in mind as you work your way into this transit because you are generally at your best when you are not only popular but also spreading joy to others, straight from your heart!

Just as Uranus is leaving your ninth house and entering your tenth, Chiron is moving into your ninth house. Most astrologers agree that Chiron embodies two major themes: wounds, and the wisdom related to them. As Chiron enters your ninth house you may therefore be naturally attracted to teachers or subjects related to trauma, suffering, and healing. You may notice that mentors, healers, and sages are entering your life and that you’re ready to commit to a path of healing or learning at a more profound level. While Uranus has been stimulating your higher mind with dynamic currents of change for a long time now, Chiron brings a much more stable energy into your ninth house, heralding a time where you might be ready to do a much deeper level of healing, or you might be ready to embody a more mature and knowledgeable level of expertise in the service of others. Chiron in the ninth may also involve you in issues abroad or from other parts of the world. You may find that you are drawn to teachers, healers, or wisdom traditions from different cultures, or you might find that you are naturally concerned with the suffering of others from different parts of the world. If you have wounds or baggage around your religious or spiritual upbringing, Chiron will start to address your wounds in the months and years to come, so long as you are willing to keep an open heart and an open mind.

When we put these two important transits next to each other, it becomes clear that you are being called to do something out of the ordinary right now. Just remember, as important as it is for you to be loved and even “liked” by others, it is even more important that you find your sense of divine purpose and that you live into that purpose with all your heart. This, more than anything else, will bring you the right kind of attention, from the right kind of people!

In addition to these major planetary ingresses, the same day that Uranus is moving into Taurus, May 15th, there is also a New Moon in Taurus in your tenth house, and the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the brand-new energy of Uranus moving into your tenth, emphasizing the powerful new themes related to your career, public reputation, authority, etc. Meanwhile, Mars entering your seventh house of love and partnerships points to dynamic changes taking place in your relationships, or in the life of a partner. These changes are directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your career house. It’s truly a dynamic month for you, Leo, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly powerful time.

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