Leo Horoscope for October 2019

Leo Horoscope for October 2019

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a surprising month of many twists and turns, Leo, with a focus on sincere communication. You have been somewhat dissatisfied, for months perhaps, with the way that your career and professional life has been playing out, and seeking change. This month is subject to an extreme version of this potential malaise and also its solution in terms of more meaningful choices. What you are after is nothing less than a total alignment between what you feel inside regarding your basic beliefs, and what you do in the world. The actual situation you are in likely results in a compromise with these ideal higher-self goals, and this concept of your real-world mission statement is rapidly evolving. The second half of the month will see you through to important changes there. When you are able to more clearly articulate your deepest assessments to important others in your life, coming from the standpoint of yourself and yourself alone, then you are well on you way to actualizing your core values.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins right on the heels of a New Moon in Libra in your third house of the mind, communication, and learning (from September 28th). With a series of transits still to come through Libra this month, it’s safe to say that the intellectual and communicative dimensions of your life are being highlighted right now. You may also watch for the topics of neighbors, siblings, or friends to become part of the focus, as well as the themes of justice, balance, fairness and harmony. Because stimulating and changeable Uranus, located in Taurus, in your tenth house of career and profession, was highlighted in this recent New Moon, this month will also feature unusual developments in that area, with discernment required to decide when to make your move, and when to stay the existing course. You are fortunate this month as well with your creative self-expression being able to contribute to these work decisions.

From October 5th to October 7th, Mercury in Scorpio, in your fourth house of home and family, is moving into an opposition with the planet Uranus, located in your tenth house of career. This transit is followed by Venus’ similar opposition to Uranus between October 11th and 13th. Each transit reflects the same dynamic tensions between sudden changes on the home front and also changes in your work and professional life. As you are revolutionizing your approach to your career, there are also likely some very important emotional changes taking place within your private life or among your family members. The tension between these two areas is thus like the psychological motor that is currently driving your personal development.

On October 13th the Full Moon in Aries will land in your ninth house of higher mind, suggesting that your mind will be swept up in the need to defend, advocate, or assert your beliefs and convictions to others. Learning and curiosity are also greatly emphasized at this important juncture, as are issues Watch also for themes of morality and justice to stand out, as well as the importance of teachers and learning, religion and beliefs, and even long journeys or travel.

On October 13th also, the Sun in Libra in your third house of communication and the mind, along with the Moon in your ninth, will square Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. Watch here for themes related to hard work, health, learning and the mind, diplomacy, and fairness. The Pluto component represents a long-term transit that has been active all year and that will continue into late 2020. If you are faced with limitations or personal challenges during this time, remember to stay open to a fair compromise and keep your overarching goals in sight so that you don’t get swept up in the emotional intensity of the Full Moon in the fiery sign of Mars.

Between October 26th and the 28th, watch for the Sun’s opposition to Uranus from Scorpio, further emphasized by the Scorpio New Moon of October 27th, to create a moment of dramatic breakthrough in relation to the home versus work dynamic that was so pronounced earlier this month. If you look deeply into what has been going on for you over this monthly journey you will uncover potentially quite valuable insights into your situation, creating a big-picture sense of relief or release that could be palpable! The following month of November will feature further explorations of this basic theme including topics of home, family, and challenges to your inner psychological and spiritual foundation.

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