Leo Horoscope for September 2019

Leo Horoscope for September 2019

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a surprising month of many twists and turns, Leo. You have been somewhat dissatisfied, for months perhaps, regarding the work that you do in the world, and these feelings of restlessness may come to a head over the course of an interesting and intense monthly cycle. Relationship issues are also up for you, and might seem confusing or over-idealized. Intimacy ideals are invoked as an avenue to greater self-confidence and self-expression. New career directions could appeal to you quite suddenly and then become lost upon the seas of days gone by, while the larger and steadier trend over time is toward ideas that speak to a concept of service to humanity in general. Your growing awareness of a sense of mission in this lifetime is one motif of this year’s patterning that is even more powerful as the fall comes on. Your deepest values and beliefs are calling to you now, with implications for how you articulate your life goals and proceed to act upon these.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just as Mercury in Virgo in your second house of money and resources is moving into a trine with Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career, and just as Mars is forming a rare cazimi (a conjunction) with the Sun in Virgo. The recent New Moon in Virgo, from August 30th, and featuring a stellium of five planets, also powerfully interacted with your career house, giving you a month when your major focus will be on your outer world pursuits. With Uranus involved, also watch for financial and professional shifts coming through this month, perhaps due to new forms of technology or employing innovative solutions to old problems. This month may also empower you in relation to professional allied with financial matters thanks to an active Mars being more fully emphasized.

Between September 2nd and 4th, Venus in Virgo in your second house will oppose Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house of debt, death, and other people’s resources. Watch for financial issues in your relationships to surface right now. You may have to look very carefully at whether support and resources are being shared or used properly. Be sure to keep firm boundAries and be careful to create only the healthiest exchanges in your relationships.

Between September 8th and the 12th, your ruling planet, the Sun, and Mars in Virgo will then move through squares to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your fifth house of joy, creativity, and children. It’s possible that you are considering a new investment or purchase in relation to your children, or possibly even your children’s education or care. You should also take note of what you are spending money on and whether it is contributing to your long-term health and happiness. It’s a great time to reform and refine the use of your time, energy, and resources, while also making sure that you are creating enough time for joy and playfulness.

Between September 13th to the 14th, Mercury and Venus will conjoin in Virgo and then move together into Libra and enter your third house of the mind, communication, and your immediate environment. Communication in your relationships, perhaps especially related to money and finances, will be important right now. Agreements, contracts, and negotiations should be easily made during this time, and problem solving, or troubleshooting should also come naturally.

On The late evening of September 13th, the Full Moon in Pisces will conjoin Neptune in your eighth house of debts, death, and other people’s resources, emphasizing once again your urge to explore the balance of power, needs, and resources in your relationships. Because Mars is also closelty opposed to Neptune in the timing of this Full Moon, issues of self and other might give rise to confusion, or an exploration of spiritual and idealized possibilities.

Between September 21st and 22nd, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your fifth house of joy and creativity will square Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house. For almost a year now, you have been exploring themes of joy and obligation, fun and debt, children and sacrifice, joint resources and joint responsibilities. As Jupiter completes its final square to Neptune, you are now able to benefit from all the learning and growth work that you’ve been doing. You may also notice that a new vision, or a new plan is gradually starting to emerge as you may feel that you are finally putting a weight or burden behind you.

On September 23rd, your ruling planet, the Sun, enters Libra as it passes through the gateway of the Fall Equinox, emphasizing the topics of neighbors, siblings, and travel for the next thirty days. The Sun in the third house may feature communication with your father, with bosses or leaders, or it may inspire you to be a peacemaker or leader in your own right.

Between September 25th and 26th, Venus in Libra will square Saturn in Capricorn in the sixth house of labor, sickness, and service, just as Mercury in Libra is also squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Your relationships may be put to the test during this time, or you may have to find a work around for a difficult situation at work or maybe even in relation to your neighbors or siblings. It’s a time for mature, serious thinking as well as diplomacy and peace making.

Finally, on September 28th, the New Moon will also fall in Libra, further emphasizing the topics of communication, harmony, diplomacy, and love, learning, the mind, short journeys or travel, as well as siblings and neighbors, all for the next thirty-day lunation cycle and the month of October!

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