Leo Horoscope for December 2020

Leo Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of intensity for you, Leo, as this year of vast change continues to unwind with no letup. Aided by novel realizations, you are transforming at the core, exploring entirely new facets of your way of being in the cosmos. Self-expression, always a strong suit, this month carries a transformational edge that occurs at the potent December 14th Solar Eclipse, in an area of your solar chart corresponding to artistic creativity. This eclipse is particularly powerful for you. Your personal contribution, whatever mode it takes, is an important gesture of uniquely personal productivity that yet also implies benefits to the community that surrounds you. You are attempting to match in outer manifestation your deepest interior principles, within the concentric circles of partner, family, tribe, civil boundary, and world. In the timing of also the December 21st Winter Solstice, the ongoing metamorphosis of your beliefs and values is leading you to more directly articulate these. The follow-up is to begin to act strictly upon them, and in the process bring into play your most authentic self.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

We begin the month of December sandwiched between two Eclipses. In other words, we are currently in the midst of a transitional period. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini that took place on November 30th occurred in the social sector of your chart, and may bring new opportunities to participate in your community in the weeks to come. There may be exciting things on the horizon that connect you to stimulating projects and people. The Sun transiting in Sagittarius until the 21st emphasizes your romantic and creative longings. 

Mercury enters Sagittarius and joins the party on December 1st. You may be feeling more playful than you have felt in a while after a period of deeper introspection. The New Moon in Scorpio in mid-November may have triggered a lot of deeper insecurities or some difficulties with a family member but you showed up for the work, and now you can feel your outlook getting brighter. Your focus until mid-December may be on your creative projects, your children, or a romantic partner. Sagittarius season can be a good time for brainstorming around a creative process. ??Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on the 5th and 6th and this could trigger your imagination even more. You may be less concerned with the practical realities at this time, and it may be good to take that into consideration. If you schedule yourself too heavily, you could feel deprived of the more pleasurable experiences you could be having. The Sun in Sagittarius in square with Neptune on the 9th continues to bring themes of self-expression, romance, and pleasure. You may however want to watch out for a tendency to imagine impossible scenarios. The Sun square Neptune can indicate a mystical influence but taken to the extreme it may be associated with escapism or viewing something with rose-colored glasses. If you take your propensity for dreaminess and combine it with a good dose of realism, the second week of December could contain some juicy creative breakthroughs. On the other hand, it could be hard to see clearly if a business or intimate partnership could be advantageous. It might be best to hold off until the Sun enters Capricorn later this month.

The Sun in Sagittarius trines Mars in Aries on the 11th, and could play out in different ways depending on if you can get what you want. This is an energizing few days when you you could feel the heat of your passions, and your desire to get moving with things. However, there may be external factors that keep you from following your impulses.

The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th is a powerful juncture that could shake things loose. You have the spunk to visualize new realities into being, and to adjust your mission statement accordingly. This configuration lasts for up to six months, and therefore will also eventually allow you to make further progress toward these goals in the weeks ahead.

Venus’s entering into Sagittarius on the 15th should bring some backup for what you are trying to accomplish, especially if you don’t expect easy results.

On December 16th Saturn re-enters Aquarius where it will stay until March 2023. It initially moved into Aquarius on March 21st, but only stayed there until the beginning of July. This ingress kicks off a two-year period where the emphasis will be on your partnerships, your boundaries with others, and perhaps your need for more serious relationships. This may sound a little bit heavy but Jupiter also entering Aquarius on the 19th will grace your partnership sector for a whole year, and this is all leading up to the powerful Winter Solstice when they exactly conjoin. There may be opportunities for solid commitments and the willingness to put in the efforts needed to make something work. Mercury in Sagittarius conjoins the Sun on the same day bringing a renewed sense of direction; then Mercury enters Capricorn on the 20th.

The Sun follows suit on the 21st, signaling the Winter Solstice, the beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. With the Sun exactly square to the Moon in Aries, and simultaneously making a same-degree angle to Jupiter and Saturn, exact in the first degree of Aquarius, this is a significant moment, inaugurating a 200-year period when the Air element will become the focus of future Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, every twenty years, and could inspire a new dynamic in your relational sector. You may sense this shift occurring as the year comes to a close, and continuing over the following year.

The Sun and Mercury’s ingress into Capricorn will start to shift your attention on logistics and health in the following weeks. You may be thinking about changing a few habits to begin the New Year. You may also find yourself busy reorganizing your schedule and routine to make more time for the new things emerging in your life.

The Full Moon takes place in Cancer on the 29th illuminating the part of your chart where your most tender emotion resides. You might notice that you’ve come a long way in acknowledging your vulnerabilities. This Full Moon highlights this process and the culmination of the efforts you’ve made to connect with your more intuitive, and receptive nature. There is a sense of being in touch with yourself at the very end of the year which could feel new, and ancient, all at once.?

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