Leo Horoscope for January 2021

Leo Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another month of hardship for you, the same old difficulties and the same old fears, with perhaps a ray or two of light moving you forward. As the month and year begins, you are full of yourself in a good way, self-expression shining bright, with progress made on the inside. You are fully engaged in seeing how to take all that you have going and turn it to useful purpose, out in the world. New horizons beckon to the extent that you can get on board with your evolving worldview, and with that marriage between head and heart that allows you to align your work with your innermost values. This corresponds to an attitude of faith in the cosmos to be on your side and to see you through, and with what your Higher Self seems to be guiding you toward, in terms of service to others. As Covid continues to remind us, it will take all we have got, and all of us working together, to survive this thing, and for you to yet emerge from the dark passage of these winter months wiser and more whole than when you started.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year dear Leo! Congratulations on getting through 2020 even bolder and stronger than when you began it. The New Year begins with an emphasis on your partnerships, with Saturn and Jupiter now firmly transiting in the relationship sector of your chart. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius from mid-December might have brought momentum for a romantic scenario or a personal project that requires a lot of your energy. Venus is still transiting in Sagittarius until the 8th, increasing your desire for experimentation and play, but there may also be a price to pay for doing so. Don’t shy away from asking for help; you might be surprised by how many people who are willing to back you up and support your vision.

The Sun in Capricorn until the 19th emphasizes your habits, health, physical exercise and the time you need daily to get everything done. There is no rest from your ambitions this month, and you may need to schedule some downtime; otherwise you run the risk of not having any at all. Mars enters Taurus on the 6th where it will bring considerable focus to the career sector of your chart until the beginning of March. You may feel a new kind of ambition burgeoning. The more you think outside of the box in terms of career the more it seems to work for you. At the same time, a partnership may be carrying some of your attention away from your goals. Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th bringing important dialogues in partnerships. You may be called to divide your attention or compromise in order to make something work. You may feel a certain amount of tension between your needs and the needs of someone else in your life. 

Venus enters Capricorn on the 8th and trines Mars in Taurus, which carries a supportive influence to the vocational sector of your chart. You are committed to your work and it can be meaningful at this time to connect intentions and energy toward your career goals.

The New Moon in Capricorn, taking place on the 12th, is conjunct with Pluto. This brings tremendous focus to the health sector of your chart. This beginning time of the year is an excellent time of course to set new goals, and the first New Moon of the year brings the perfect incentive to do so. For extra traction, Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius at the time of the New Moon. What you envision now may take time to flourish but new shapes are emerging. The habits you commit to at this time can support your ambitious desires for the year ahead. You may feel the need to get more serious about integrating healthy eating habits and commit to physical exercise. With Saturn in Aquarius highlighting your partnership sector your commitment is high and you may be considering activities that can be done in tandem.

Uranus in Taurus stations direct in your vocational sector on the 14th after a six-month retrograde period. Uranus in Taurus has been bringing an innovative edge to your entrepreneurial spirit in the last two years. Exciting career ideas are emerging or already in motion. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th joining Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury which are already transiting here. There may be a partnership deepening that forces you to divide your attention again between your personal career goals and a team project. Mars and Uranus conjunct on the 20th during the First Quarter Moon in Taurus highlighting an exciting development in connection with your life's work. The opportunities arising at the beginning of the year may seem crazy or far fetched but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. The bolder you are the more it has the potential to pay off.

The First Full Moon of 2021 takes place in your sign on the 28th. The Sun and Jupiter are conjunct in Aquarius while opposing the Full Moon in Leo. The light of the Moon shines brightly on your needs and desires. It may be that what you want involves a compromise. Jupiter influencing this Full Moon implies that there may be an exaggerated quality to your emotions. Mars and Uranus still conjunct in your career sector are also squaring the Full Moon showing that there could be tension between your needs, your ambitions, and your desire to invest in a partnership to make it work. You could be trying to reconcile disparate pieces of a puzzle, which in turn creates tension in the various areas of your life. You can’t divide yourself in three but you can probably make things work with a few compromises.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th of January and will be moving retrograde until the 20th of February, giving you ample time to review and renegotiate the terms of a partnership. In any case you will be looking into things in that way. Nothing is set in stone, but you may be working hard at the end of the month and through the weeks ahead to get all of your desires met.

What does 2021 have in store for you?

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