Leo Horoscope for August 2021

Leo Horoscope for August 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of tuning up your concept of who and what you really are, Leo, to include issues of career choices, intimacy, and service to others. As is ever more fully in evidence, you are a past master at having your own unique sense of identity. You are more internal than usual in August’s first week. This is followed, on August 8th, by the New Moon in your sign that heralds fresh energy for the chase, be it for professional or more personal goals. There are a plentitude of choices, with wildly varying possibilities, along with a certain modicum of confusion and even spaciness. Your task would seem to be allowing to flourish only those projects that align with higher purpose and your true evolutionary destiny. You are also enjoined by a demanding universe to cultivate an attitude of discernment in order that you arrive successfully at any semblance of planned conclusion. It is a rich field of opportunity that awaits you this monthly cycle and all this goes much better when you stay as aware as you possibly can of your bottom-line principles and requirements.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Cancer New Moon from mid-July lit up your soul sector, increasing your awareness of all that you hold inside. Your dreams may have been unusually active, alerting you to hidden parts of your psyche that you do not normally inhabit, and this extends through the first week of the August month. Also, from the very beginning of the month as well you have a focus on relationship in your life, all that it brings you, and the inherent tensions of its spell.

On August 1st, exactly, as well, the sign of Leo is highlighted as chatty Mercury meets the Sun in Leo for what is known as a ‘’superior conjunction.’’ Mercury sitting in ‘’the Heart of the Sun’’ usually translates as a moment of clarity or illumination and, since this is occurring in the sign of Leo, you may experience a moment of lucidity surrounding your needs, your passions, and your overall well-being. Things may not be as simple as you would like, however, as this optimistic duo is opposed by a heavy stare from Saturn in Aquarius showing tension or conflict between your needs and the requirement of a partnership. You may be feeling both playful and uncompromising but a pragmatic approach may be required if you share your life and space with others. Mercury and the Sun in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius may also indicate a current dialogue taking place about commitment. There is a serious or sober tone to the first few days of August which could see important progress especially if the conversations taking place are respectful and both parties are willing to hear each other.

Venus is now transiting in Virgo lighting up your financial sector, and a trine from Venus in to Uranus in Taurus on the 2nd and 3rd may find you brainstorming about work or the viability of a current career situation. Independence, especially financial independence, could be particularly important for you at this time. However, with the world currently in a state of flux, you may have a hard time committing to one single trajectory and sticking to it. 

On August 8th, The New Moon takes place in your sign which signals the beginning of a fresh cycle related to your needs, your desires, and your passions. The rebel planet Uranus in Taurus receives a square from the Leo New Moon, creating the flavor of a wild card. You may be seeing a new life emerging while still unsure of the shape of things to come. Uranus brings restlessness and a short attention span especially for the things that feel stagnant. The more flexible and open you are at this time the greater the opportunities to grow. You may have to get at the core of your heart’s desires to decipher what you truly want. This is a time of innovation and progress when the same old patterns will not work anymore.

Some confusion surrounding shared resources is also possible in the New Moon timing, and for the second week of the month, as Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. Try not to let wishful thinking color your judgment especially noting that optimistic Jupiter opposes Mercury in Leo around the same time. You may feel tempted to forget about your personal direction or get sidelined by an enticing offer, although Mercury entering Virgo on the 11th could help you sort out your priorities and get back to basics over the next few weeks.

Venus enters Libra on the 15th and will remain there until September 10th which brings pleasant interactions with good friends and neighbors and could help alleviate your need to have everything perfect.

A financial situation may continue to be on your mind as Mercury comes into a conjunction with Mars on the 19th. You could feel pressured or impatient to sort out an important matter but there may be too many unknown factors.

A second Aquarius Full Moon takes place on the 22nd, highlighting your partnerships and collaborations. The first one occurred 30 days earlier, in July, when the Sun was newly entered into Aquarius; now it is getting ready to leave it. This time, too, the Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, which could bring a positive influence and a sense of renewed potential. A process may be culminating now and your patience could be paying off.

Later on the same day of the 22nd, the Sun moves into the service-oriented sign of Virgo for the next 30 days, emphasizing your values, your financial autonomy, and the resources you have available. You may feel your attention turning towards practical matters in an attempt to structure your goals and your overall direction in the following weeks. There may still be some confusion around shared resources on the 24th, when Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. You might have to content yourself with not knowing or surrendering your need to have total control over the outcome of a situation. You may have to accept the support coming from others which can help you progress faster than if you were on your own. This is of course easier said than done and

From the 26th of August to the 27th, while Venus in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries, your vulnerabilities could come up to haunt you.

Mercury enters Libra on the 29th where it will transit for an extended period of time due to its station retrograde at the end of September. Mercury in Libra could help you smooth out difficult conversations with siblings or close friends and prompt you to take a more diplomatic approach with others. While you may be looking to gain more financial autonomy, collaborations will continue to feature strongly in the following weeks.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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