Leo Horoscope for July 2021

Leo Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather amazing and pivotal month for you, Leo, one in which you are busy integrating the changes that have come down from the previous June month of a particularly strong Mercury Retrograde period. As this is winding down over the first full week of July, you feel more keenly a sense of mission, and are attempting to discern what exactly you need to be up and doing. There could be confusion as to the intersection of your creativity, your interior intuition, and your outer public statement. It is not easy to discern how these fit together. This month, punctuatedby the Cancer New Moon of the 9th, provides you with at least some clues toward a more complete integration, top to bottom, that also brings important partners into the picture of what you are trying to accomplish. Your career choices are many and varied, and they benefit enormously from looking to the inside for intuitional answers. You are transforming in your sense of service to others, and for the way you handle a sometimes stuck relationship dynamic that is demanding further and deeper attention from you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The June Solar Eclipse in Gemini from the tenth that took place in your social sector may have brought important networking opportunities and these are still unfolding. More extensively, this potent New Moon could be triggering some changes in you, in relation to the friends and social groups that you connect with, and what you aspire to. Your passions and interests could be in a state of flux which also means your goals and your desires for future progress might be in transition.

The July month begins with Venus and Mars transiting in your sign, which could also make your needs and desires a lot more prominent. Mars in Leo brings an uncompromising energy to your sign but you could perhaps meet with resistance coming from others. Mars also opposes Saturn in Aquarius on July 1st, highlighting a tense dynamic that could be playing out in your partnerships. You feel both the responsibility and also the inherent isolation symbolized by Saturn prominent in your partnership sector. Mars is also squaring Uranus in Taurus which adds an unpredictable element to the equation and you may have to call on your patience and self-control in order to move through the beginning of the month. Of course, the harder you push your own personal agenda on others, the more likely you are to meet resistance.

The Sun in Cancer squaring Chiron in Aries on the 4th could highlight a vulnerability and bring healing dialogues, while the Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus on the 5th can bring an unexpected perspective to bear on your current vulnerabilities. You could be in a steep learning curve in matters of the heart. Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius on the 5th and 6th may also indicate a difficult relationship dynamic, while Venus squaring Uranus in Taurus a few days later on the 8th may force you to adopt a different approach.

The Cancer New Moon takes place on July 9th in the part of your chart that relates to unconscious process and dream imagination, your unseen and deeply rooted, albeit, invisible side. You may be feeling a greater desire for contemplation at this time as your emotional landscape and your needs make themselves felt in unexpected ways. If you’ve been keeping busy or pretending that everything is fine, this watery New Moon in the sign of Cancer could bring a tide of emotions looking to be acknowledged. The New Moon may signal the beginning of a new cycle when it comes to parenting your inner child and giving it what it needs without judgment. Taking care of yourself could imply tending your secret garden and acknowledging your vulnerabilities. Mercury enters Cancer on the 12th which continues to bring an introspective influence, while a supportive trine from Jupiter in Pisces on the 12th could help you integrate the deeper wisdom permeating this time, giving you a greater sense of perspective.

Venus conjuncts Mars in Leo from the 10th to the 14th which could feel really energizing after that self-reflective New Moon. Your desires may become clarified and you might be better equipped to ask for what you need at this time. It might be a good idea to keep your enthusiasm in check, however, as the possibility for over-exertion is possible — especially when the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 17th. This is a dynamic First Quarter Moon as well, and you might feel the need to discuss what you are going through with a trusted ally.

Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries and sextiles Uranus in Taurus on the 20th, which may bring up insecurities about your current career trajectory. Keep in mind that your vulnerabilities may feel more prominent while planets are transiting in Cancer. The Sun’s ingress into Leo on the 22nd will go a long way toward energizing your will and your vitality.

The Aquarius Full Moon takes place in the evening of the 23rd, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart and bringing up further issues of self and other. A culmination process may be taking place in that part of your life and it may become clear to you where you are willing to compromise versus where you may need to establish better boundaries. The tension between your needs and those of a partner could come up and this could also relate to shared resources.

This polarizing dynamic will slowly subside by the time Mercury enters Leo on the 27th. Your thinking could feel clearer while the messenger planet transits in your sign and you may also be able to express your needs more clearly. Jupiter re-enters Aquarius on the 28th bringing increased flexibility in your relationship sector which should help a negotiation process that could have begun at the beginning of the year.

Mars enters the sign of Virgo on the 29th, joining Venus in that sign, and bringing even greater energy to the financial sector of your chart over the following weeks. By the end of July, your attention could turn to your personal needs and your overall direction with momentum to back you up.

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