Leo Horoscope for June 2021

Leo Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a difficult and confusing month for you, Leo, but not so much if you keep good counsel with yourself and your eye on the true prize of self-knowledge and personal evolution. With the retrograde of Mercury all month long, with the two-week period of the “retrograde shadow” that follows Mercury’s station to direct motion on the 22nd, you are rearranging and re-aligning your social interactions, and your connection as well to your future plans. These must be a match for your deepest principles which are becoming more greatly refined. Greater understanding of where you are truly at is coming to you this month through a process of deep introspection, and you find that you must adjust your outer personna and your goals to match this emerging reality or else everything will seem to fall a little flat for you. The brilliant New Moon eclipse of June 10th will signal a new dawn in the area of friendship and group interactions, and as well how you see your prospects for the remainder of the year unfolding.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Taurus three weeks ago brought clarity on the time and effort needed to bring your career to new heights. Doors are opening related to your work and you could be making important connections with people who support your vision. This is not a time of idleness and you may be prompted to take the bull by the horn when it comes to your work. Financial autonomy is of uttermost importance for you and you may have found yourself recently assessing what that looks like in this changing economy.

The Sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius at the beginning of June which may bring substantial help from a partner or an acquaintance. Even though you value your autonomy greatly, you might have to accept the assistance that is offered to you at this time. A crucial part of being successful is having the right kind of support.

Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th, which could bring some frustration. You could be pushing yourself too hard at this time or you may have to get honest about what is bothering you instead of trying to keep the peace. This is a short-lived transit but the building up of tension could create problems if you don’t have the proper outlet for it.

On June 10th the Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place in your social sector which may bring important opportunities especially if you put yourself out there. Networking is highlighted and it could be a good time to participate actively in your community and connect with like-minded folks. Eclipses tend to act as bridges from one circumstance to another and it may be through your participation with a wider circle of friends that these new circumstances could arise.

Mars enters Leo on the 11th where it will be transiting until the end of July making your desire for independence and personal autonomy felt more acutely. You may have less patience for compromises while Mars transit in Leo but it would be wise to bite your tongue before burning bridges especially if you need to collaborate with others. The Sun in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces on the 13th could mean that a financial situation is still up in the air and there could be confusion in regards to who owns what.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus for a second time on June 14th with the first of these squares having occurred on February 17th and the final one taking place on December 24th. The Saturn/Uranus square highlights a tension between your career and your partnerships. You may have to make a few bold moves regarding your career while also being bound to an agreement with a partner. You may desire both the support of someone and the freedom to follow a vocational path and these two could feel somewhat incompatible this year. The decision needed to pursue your career may take you away from an important relationship or vice versa. This tension could be felt all year but may be especially present mid-June when this aspect becomes exact for a second time. The secret lies in making small incremental changes in both areas of your life while understanding that these changes will require some sacrifices.

Things start shifting when the Sun enters Cancer on the late evening of the 20th, signaling the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter in Pisces stations retrograde while Mercury in Gemini stations direct in the days surrounding the Summer Solstice. After a very busy period, you may need to integrate the events that transpired in the last few months and take some downtime to recharge your batteries. The Sun in Cancer could signal a period of introspection and realignment before Leo season begins in one month.

The Full Moon takes place in Capricorn on the 24th culminating in your health sector shining brightly on the needs and requirements of your body at this time. If you’ve been struggling with keeping your healthy habits amidst the whirlwind of the last few weeks, this Full Moon could help you clarify what needs to change. It’s a good time to assess your physical and emotional state and to make sure you create time in your busy schedule to rest. More extensively the Full Moon may highlight the logistical aspects of a partnership helping you clarify and sort out your priorities.

Finally, Venus enters Leo on the 26th where she will be transiting until the 21st of July. This should work in your favor as Venus offers the charisma and grace needed to charm even the most stoic of competitors.

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