Leo Horoscope for May 2021

Leo Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month involves the way that you show up in the world, Leo, and your deeper reasons for what you do. Your worldview is shifting, and though this could seem scary, on reflection you might acknowledge that life itself is change. As Dylan memorably puts it during the volatile 1960s, “Everybody not busy being born is busy dying.” In your current situation a potent mid-month April New Moon held important messages for you regarding higher mind philosophy and belief structures, namely that you must cultivate your own. As May gets underway and especially in its first few days, your work in the world takes on added significance, with rapid-fire alterations of potential direction. While inner impulse drives you onward to unknown destinations, caution dictates that you hold back, and you are caught between. Perhaps most important is that you recognize that career for you at this time is no mere rat race to the top or to the financially best bottom line. The path with heart is the only one that is truly viable for you now.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The very potent Aries New Moon from the middle of the previous month of April engendered in you some strong impulses regarding your creative self-expression which remain a factor in this current month for its first ten days. You have been on a mission to exploit your deepest goals and principles as you plan and execute your projects, so that there is a qualitative shift in what you want to accomplish and the underlying reasons for what you deliver as the month of May begins.

Taurus season is also in full swing at the beginning of the month and your focus is shifting to your vocational sector as a result, where your more formal and studied sense of achievement is undergoing something of a sea change. Then, too, Sun/Uranus conjunction in Taurus which occurred at the end of April continues to reverberate, which could translate as new feelings of restlessness. You could feel like taking a stab at reinventing the wheel, and so this is an excellent time to bring these innovative energies to your creativity and to your work in the world. Your boredom threshold could be very low and you definitely don’t want to burden yourself with too many obligations. Any type of work that requires creative inputs will benefit but you might not have the same level of tolerance with your usual responsibilities. You may feel like you need more freedom to do as you please and this is possible as long as you do not completely ignore the demands of others. You may have to find the middle ground between getting along versus burning bridges unnecessarily.

Your responsibilities towards others will also likely be highlighted on May 3rd when the Sun in Taurus squares restrictive Saturn which is currently transiting in your partnership sector. Underlying tension in a particular relationship could very easily surface at this time especially if you are not aware of the impact of your rebellious attitude. Finding the middle ground in a difficult partnership may seem impossible and you may feel pushed into a corner. If you can acknowledge your need for space within your commitments, the first week of May could bring a breakthrough that helps you navigate the demands of others without having to sacrifice your need for space.

On the 3rd as well, Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini where it will eventually station retrograde at the end of this month. Mercury in Gemini may bring new connections for you especially if you reach out and look for opportunities in your community. On the 8th, Venus follows suit in entering the sign of Gemini, which should be excellent for networking in the following weeks. You might be in the process of finding a new support system amidst acquaintances that can help you in furthering your goals. 

The Taurus New Moon takes place on the 11th and brings fresh energy to your vocational sector. This is the beginning of a new cycle in that part of your life. It may seem like nothing is happening on the surface and yet underneath your calm exterior you are planning the next leg of your journey. The fact that Venus in Gemini, corresponding to your social sector, rules over the New Moon in Taurus could bring additional energy for potential business connections, or friends that can support your work.

On the 13th of May, Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces, where it is considered greatly dignified. This is your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, as well as partnership agreements, and Jupiter will be spending the next 10 weeks there before backing away into Aquarius again, officially re-entering Pisces at the end of 2021. The Greater Benefic transiting in the part of your chart that has to do with your contractual agreements applies more extensively to other important resources available to you from your associations. Jupiter in Pisces may therefore bring positive development in connection with an intimate or a business partnership.

Expansion and discovery are in the air as the Sun enters the mutable sign of Gemini on the 20th and immediately starts squaring Jupiter. The square between the Sun and Jupiter may bring some opportunities for success. You may have a lucky breakthrough at this time especially if you keep a positive outlook. However, there may also be a tendency to overestimate your abilities or miscalculate how much you have available to you at this time. A realistic appraisal of your resources could help you progress at this time. This may be easier said than done however.

In that regard, Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 21st to the 23rd. This is only a week before Mercury also stations retrograde. Discrimination could be harder than usual as Neptune tends to distort reality. A situation may need to be revisited again down the road once Mercury turns direct on June 22nd and then escapes its retrograde shadow by the first full week of July. There could be a tendency to idealize someone or a potential scenario so this period of time may not be ideal for clear-cut decisions.

On Wednesday, May 26th, the first lunar eclipse of the year arrives occurring in the sign of Sagittarius. This eclipse could bring the culmination or the conclusion of a creative process as you prepare yourself for the next chapter. A pet project you had been working on may be highlighted in some ways and it could be a good time to take stock of where you are at, especially in your personal and creative life.

Mercury stations retrograde on the 29th in the sign of Gemini where it will play a particularly important role in the next eclipse coming up on June 10th. For now, keep an eye on the new opportunities arising that have to do with your community and your work. There may be a lot of change in the air during this time but keeping an open mind will help you adapt to the changing circumstances.

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