Leo Horoscope for April 2021

Leo Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Leo, especially in terms of higher mind activity – what you can learn or teach and in what way your beliefs can take you home. Your relationships also bring to you a better understanding of what your work in the world might truly mean. It is a time when you need to put your utmost faith in yourself, and in your own unique point of view, to the exclusion of other voices of distraction, or of consensus thinking that proves uneducated to your concept. Inner wounding might come up for examination and reframing. Facing these dark places within is beneficial for them and for you. You have a great deal of optimism about important partners and you reach out to them with graceful intentionality, while becoming more aware of the thorns beside the rose and feeling that limitation. Belief in yourself is key for you right now, leading you to take concerted action in the direction that matches your own deepest principles – those values that you can stand by willingly and authentically; that which you cannot not do.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces from mid-March brought a new cycle relating to your intimate partnerships and more extensively what you share with others and the resources available to you through your partnerships. Psychologically, you may have had to deal with fears and anxiety without knowing exactly where these are coming from. This time of year represents a time of deeper introspection for you that can provide emotional catharsis once you learn to let go and trust the process.

The Sun and Venus in Aries are proving a much-needed change of pace and you should already be feeling quite revitalized. Mercury enters Aries on the late evening of the 3rd which could inflame your political or philosophical inclinations in the following weeks. You could feel an increased desire to get involved in your community and speak up on what matters to you. You may also be quite opinionated during this period and you could be inclined to get involved in debates with others more easily. This should not be an issue but you may want to use discrimination when engaging on sensitive topics. On the 8th and 9th, Mercury meeting Chiron in Aries could bring up ideological differences or clashing opinions that could leave you feeling upset. Not everyone enjoys taking a stand publicly on their beliefs and you could encounter resistance if you poke the wrong person. When speaking about things that matter to you, it may also be important to double-check the facts before making a statement if you don’t want to be challenged on your beliefs.

The New Moon in Aries on the 11th signals the beginning of a new cycle of growth that could take you outside of your comfort zone. This New Moon may bring restlessness or dissatisfaction with your routine and you may feel the need to expand beyond what you already know. One way or another, this is a time of exploration when you may be prompt to initiate activities that broaden your horizon. Keeping an open mind and being accepting of people with different points of view will help you learn from your experiences and widen your perspectives.

Mars in Gemini trines Jupiter in Aquarius on the weekend of the 16th and 17th, and this could be a busy time for socializing and perhaps meeting a new group of people. You may also be expanding your reach or forming new alliances at this time. Mercury meets the Sun in Aries for its superior conjunction on the 18th which could feel like a moment of integration in the month. You may get a clear vision of where you are heading with a renewed sense of confidence about your direction.

Mercury and the Sun enter the sign of Taurus on the 19th joining Venus, who entered Taurus on the 14th. The last two weeks of April will have a considerable change of pace as your attention turns towards your career. There may be some uncertainty in connection with your work or a volatile element to contend with. This may become more obvious by the time Venus conjuncts Uranus on the 22nd. You could feel restless while also needing to think about your overall direction. Staying flexible and being open to experimentation may be a good way to manage this time. 

Some tension related to how you divide your attention may come up from the 23rd to the 25th, when Venus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. You may have a hard time reconciling your ambitions with what a partner is asking from you, or you may have to compromise in order to keep the peace but it could feel like a delicate balancing act. You may feel like someone has too much power over you or that you can’t quite move as freely as you would like.

Simultaneously, Mars enters the sign of Cancer, corresponding to your soul sector, from the 23rd of April, transiting there until the 11th of June, could bring up inner work that still needs completion. You could find hidden power struggles or the residue of early childhood wounding, or an idea that you are stuck taking care of everything on your own. Feelings of insecurity could creep in, but this may also be your opportunity to let others take the reigns and give you greater stability, as long as you can surrender the need to do everything all on your own without asking for help.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on the late evening of the 26th illuminates your home and the changes currently taking place there. There is a powerful rebirth occurring that may also feel like you are being uprooted out of familiar soil and transplanted into foreign territory. This could feel a little bit scary but your desire to transform your present circumstances and your lack of satisfaction with the status quo could be prompting you to make the changes necessary to revolutionize your life at this time. You may only be able to do that by letting go entirely of the place you call home and take the risks necessary to get transformed in the process.

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