Leo Horoscope for March 2021

Leo Horoscope for March 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month constitutes another significant juncture for you, Leo, as you continue the transformation of your self-conception, your sense of life mission, and your understanding of the role that important partners might play in your own journey of self-discovery. This is an exciting time to be alive, for a society reconstituting itself and for all of the individuals – such as yourself – that make it up. The recent Aquarius line-up in your opposite sign brings philosophically the psychological Other very noticeably to your inner vision. Your task now, no small order, is to integrate novel understandings and realizations, enfolding them into your conception of what indeed you are up to, in this lifetime. The mid-month New Moon brings much of these ideas into sharper focus, emphasizing once again that change is the very essence of life. Your outer world presence is both joker and conservative judge, all at once. Issues of self and other continue to predominate, and the key significance of these is, that rather than diminish your own individuality, they enhance it.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The past month, with its line-up of planets in Aquarius, your opposite sign, including the mid-February New Moon, and Mercury in retrograde, brought a great deal of fresh energy to your relationship sector. You are undoubtedly seeing some new shoots emerging from what was planted a few weeks back. This month, while Mercury is moving once more in direct motion, it is still straightening out, and you remain somewhat questioning your relationship dynamic and its impact and significance in your life. You who love to go it alone, must also admit to finding new facets of your developmental journey that are available to you with the mirror of relationship or potential partners holding up the mirror.

Venus in Pisces, also for you symbolizing relationship intimacy and a focus on internal growth, is also prominent as the month begins, forming a sextile with Uranus in Taurus which could indicate new possibilities or translate as feelings of restlessness. You could be ready to get out of your comfort zone and shake the stale energy of the winter time out of your limbs. You could also be ready to initiate new things and feel increasingly outgoing; Mars enters Gemini on the evening of the 3rd, remaining in your social sector until late April.

Love could be on your mind or at least the desire to connect with someone special could be tugging at your heartstrings these days. From March 3rd to the 5th Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius for a third time since January which could finally bring progress or clarity in relationship matters. The Sun conjunct Neptune on the 10th brings a dreamy glow to your intimate partnerships. You may experience a romantic longing that is hard to grasp. Neptune tends to blur the line between reality and fantasy which makes it a good time to get lost in reveries. However, it may not be a great time for serious decision-making.

Surrounding the New Moon in Pisces which takes place on Saturday, March 13th, sensuality and pleasure could be highlighted. This signals the beginning of a new cycle in the sector of your chart that relates to intimacy, and the powerful bonds that link you to others. This New Moon in Pisces could bring the beginning of deeper commitments made through promises. You might be willing to sacrifice some of your independence during this period for the sake of a partnership, or you may feel a powerful compulsion to merge with someone. Even though this should amount to a pleasurable time for you, it could be important to keep a sense of perspective.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 15th, bringing into greater focus the contracts or arrangement that binds you to others. You might become more reliant on the support coming from a close partnership at this time, or simply more aware of your obligations towards others.

In the week that follows the New Moon, leading to the Sun’s ingress into Aries, you could perhaps feel some degree of passivity or an inability to directly take control of your life. Once the Sun enters the sign of the Ram – signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere –
you would then start to feel your sense of agency returning. Venus enters Aries on the 21st and therefore brings support to your sign with a beautiful Fire trine. Having both the Sun and Venus in Aries will help you gain traction and bring renewed vitality to your progress in the weeks ahead, especially when it comes to your long-term goals.

The First Quarter Moon in Cancer, on the 21st as well, may be confronting, requiring you to face up to realities you may be trying to ignore. There is very real potential for progress for you at this time, especially with Mars in Gemini in your social sector trine Saturn in Aquarius. You might make important new connections or even form significant partnerships during this transit. However, you have to be willing to collaborate with others and remind yourself that you can’t do it all on your own. Mercury in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus on the 21st may prompt you to rebel against anyone cramping your space as you will attempt to to break free from whatever stalls your progress. 

The Full Moon in Libra culminates on March 28th in your communication sector, and this is an extremely powerful lunation for you. The Sun is closely conjunct both Venus and Chiron in Aries, and you could find that you have apprehensions about your skills or your readiness to teach while simultaneously feeling like you need to throw yourself into a new experience. If hidden fears or inner wounding is holding you back, this is an excellent time to process these things. The Full Moon could also highlight an opportunity to teach, or to travel, or highlight diverse foreign influences.

With so many planets transiting in your Higher Mind sector at the end of the month, it may be a good time to catch up with a mentor who could help you organize your thoughts around a project. Reaching out to a close friend could help you get a sense of what is possible right now. Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces on the 30th could bring confusion or excessive idealism in connection with resources or support from others. The Sun is also sextile Saturn in Aquarius on the 31st, and that continues to highlight the progress that can be made when you team up with others, or might bring greater commitment to your intentions. You may be exploring various ways in which you can share your expertise with the world, and in the aftermath of the Libra Full Moon could find some clarity on how to do that.

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