Leo Horoscope for December 2021

Leo Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an unusually potent and rather difficult month for you, Leo, when your sunny disposition could be challenged by the necessity of dealing with profound archetypal energies within you. The more ordinary physical world that surrounds you is antithetical to your deep inner process of renewal and change. Your work in the world is one nexus, where you are on the one hand reaching out for something rich and strange that lies beyond surface issues, surrendering yourself to this soul-level call while on the other hand also holding back in favor of physical limitations. Relationship with important partners is another huge factor in all this, as you must choose to heed or discard their advice in these matters. Your creativity is emphasized right from nearly the beginning of the month, and the question is to what end? Another factor that comes into play as the month unfolds is your strong internal moral compass and your concerns for this threatened earthly environment. In these challenging times you need to put ultimate faith in yourself, and your intuition, the only true source for the answers that you seek.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius taking place late on the 3rd or early on the 4th, depending on your location. This corresponds to the sector of your self-expression, your romantic life, and potentially your children, which are also aspects of your creativity. These areas receive additional focus now, and are in the process of a fresh start with the energy of this potent New Moon. This eclipse also brings to a close a cycle of eclipses that began in 2020 on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis. This series of eclipses may have brought a gradual shift regarding your dreams, your aspirations and your overall relationship to pleasure. You may have had to put a cherished project on hold to rethink the way you do things. Partnerships could also have played an important role in helping you gain traction with your goals which in turn may have brought awareness of how others can help you succeed. This last eclipse in Sagittarius could represent a time of integration and a renewed sense of enthusiasm for your passions. It might feel easier to express yourself creatively in the following weeks while keeping a playful approach.

On the 7th, Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces could find you idealizing someone or skimming over important details. Mars squaring Jupiter on the 7th and 8th could also bring exciting ideas into your consciousness. This second week of December contains a lot of momentum to tackle logistical issues at home and at work. You may feel impatient to finalize projects that have been dragging behind in order to have more time for the new ideas you have. It may be easier to focus on a big-picture idea than on the minutiae details of a project at this time.

Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto from the 8th to the 28th, because of the upcoming Venus retrograde, within a degree of Pluto. Venus is therefore moving quite slowly during the month’s second half. Because this aspect is active for nearly the whole month of December, and will occur again in March, 2022, you are engaged in a long-term attempt to better understand your communication, relationship issues, and concepts of service to others and to the collective. Venus and Pluto coming together may also represent the beginning of a process related to your livelihood and the fundamental changes happening in that part of your life. You could feel deeply invested in your work at this time, while equally acknowledging that transformation is underway. You want your work to be meaningful and a match for your deeper values, and this might be just the time to begin to make that happen. This idea may in fact require that you let go of the ways you have done things up to now, in order to make space for the new.

Assessing what you value and what you want could help you clarify a career trajectory over this monthly period. On the 8th, the Sun squares Neptune and It may feel hard to know exactly where things are heading or even what you want to prioritize. This aspect also perhaps brings a tendency to feel overwhelmed. You could tend to oscillate between the need to control everything versus wanting to surrender and let someone else take care of the details.

On the 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius, and this brings a nice change of pace to your creative and romantic matters. Mercury entering Capricorn a few hours later could help long-range vision and logistical planning over the following weeks.

On December 18th the Gemini Full Moon culminates in your social sector, supported by an optimistic trine from Jupiter in Aquarius. Friends and loved ones could feature prominently at this time and also your wider community. Social recognition for your work could be possible. It could also be a time of greater ease and opportunities.

On the 19th, Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn where she will be moving backward until the end of January. This highlights you need to assess over the following months your everyday routines, your health, your habits, and your work.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st of December inaugurating the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto already transiting in Capricorn bringing a major emphasis on the work and health sector of your chart.

The third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus takes place from the 18th to the 26th, exact on the 23rd/24th. Tension could be building up. This is an aspect that has colored the entirety of 2021. The need to reconcile your career trajectory with the demands and responsibilities of your partnerships may have been a big theme this past year and you may still be faced with the energy needed for integrating these seemingly incompatible elements in your life. You may be feeling ambitious while still needing the emotional support of your loved ones and it could feel as if you can’t have both.

The last part of the month around the 28th and 29th could feel quite intense also, as four planets in Capricorn highlight the logistical sector of your chart. You could be busy with a million and one tasks, trying to finalize things before the New Year. Mercury and retrograde Venus are both conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and there could be a tendency towards obsessive or knit-picky behavior. Cut yourself some slack if you feel like you can’t get through all your work.

Jupiter enters Pisces on the 29th while the Moon is in Sagittarius for the last day of December, promising some positive and buoyant influences to ring in the New Year.

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