Leo Horoscope for November 2021

Leo Horoscope for November 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of transformation for you, Leo, with alterations in the way that you see your private life and your creativity unfold, as well as your mission of service to others and to your community, the social matrix that surrounds you. Career choices continue to expand and multiply, with some ideas too far out to even contemplate. You are striving for better ways to communicate your deepest truth, with emphasis on being real rather than indulging in any form of fantasy, either your own or what is engendered within you by what you read and hear. This month’s New Moon, taking place on the 4th, is once again a significant lunation, making for an extremely powerful juncture when the pressure is on for innovation over holding back, balance being key. Issues of self and other could predominate later in the month, and your relationships of various kinds could also be influencing the way you roll in terms of career and profession. Most important of all, perhaps, is that what you do both in the world and outside of that be as completely your own as you can make it.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Mercury Retrograde in Libra through October, the sign the corresponds to your communications sector, might have prompted you to revise the ways in which you communicate your work and your passions to the world. More extensively, you may have found yourself reflecting on your immediate reality and perhaps the necessary changes that are needed for you to feel more at home. Dialoguing with close friends or siblings might be helping you sort out your thoughts and collaborations could be fruitful. The support that is currently being offered to you by your allies at this time could be an important factor contributing to the way that you move forward.

Your month really gets going with the Scorpio New Moon of November 4th, which signals the beginning of a fresh cycle related to your home and your family. This includes your family of origin and the way you see yourself internally in response to old issues. You could be getting ready to leave something behind or to close the door on a difficult scenario that has been dragging on. Logistical issues related to your home or familial obligations that have been coming up might have to be addressed in the following weeks and you should have more energy to do so. The New Moon triggers this year’s theme square between Uranus and Saturn, highlighting the pressure between the status quo of consensus thought and important changes for you individually that are taking place. The old and the new are battling for your attention and, for you, this square may be playing out in relation to your career, your partnerships, and your domestic and private life. You may have to work within the limits of what’s possible for the time being, although it is always a good idea to allow yourself to stay open to trying out new things in the weeks ahead. Mercury entering the sign of Scorpio on the 5th for the next three weeks should help you figure out further details of your domestic front.

Venus enters Capricorn also on the 5th where she will be transiting for an exceptionally long time, until March 2022, due to her moving retrograde in late December and lasting most of January. Venus in Capricorn for the next seventeen weeks will be emphasizing your work, your routines, and your health in general. Venus relates to what we value, and how we find our sense of self-worth. Venus in this sector of your chart could bring out your need to do something useful as well as your desires for a practical routine that yields tangible results. Setting yourself up for success over the next few weeks could mean specifically addressing the logistical aspect of your living arrangements.

On the 9th and 10th, Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio may highlight in a big way what needs to be addressed and could bring something to a boiling point. You might feel a lot better about things by the time the third week of November rolls around. In this mid-month timing, your focus turns towards your work with innovative ideas that you will want to start implementing. New career opportunities could be emerging that are completely different from the types of work you have done in the past.

The Taurus Full Moon – which is a partial Lunar Eclipse – takes place on the 19th in key sectors of your chart, which should make for a significant juncture. Your vocational sector is highlighted which could signal something completely out of the ordinary when it comes to your work in the outer world. Since this is the first of several eclipses that will occur in Taurus in 2022, this timing gives you a hint of things to come so that you need to pay attention to the doors that are closing and opening at this time.

The Sun enters the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius on the 21st which for you signals the beginning of a much more dynamic and positive time. This idea is enhanced still further once Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 24th. You might well regain a ton of enthusiasm for your current projects and you now have the drive to accomplish wonders in getting your work done. The roadblocks or difficulties of the last few weeks may feel less daunting and it is a good time to implement changes that are coming to be perceived as needed. Mercury comes into a superior conjunction with the Sun in Sagittarius at the end of the month which highlights your creative powers and your self-expression. This is a great time to invest energy in the personal projects that require your imagination. Your relationships will also benefit from the supportive influences and you may reach a new level of commitment with a romantic partner. The way that you have handled the first half of the month has paved the way for the blessings and opportunities that could come to you during the second half of a dynamic November cycle.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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