Leo Horoscope for October 2021

Leo Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of intensity for you, Leo, that will be productive of change for the better if you can find it within yourself to take up the challenge. Important partners in your life have a lot to say about where you are heading in career and profession, and perhaps even how this relates to your overall goals. The transformation of your idea for life mission, what you are here for in this lifetime, is pending. This has been a lengthy development that is far from nearing conclusion, although you at least are beginning to understand the quest. As you further tune in, you are taking into account ongoing shifts in worldview and values that are of great moment in guiding you toward what you truly need and want, deep down. The path from where you are to where you need to be is full of surprising twists and unexpected turns, especially over the course of the current month. Each meander does however take you in some sense closer to the ultimate goal, which is nothing less than evolutionary progress forward into your most authentic future Self.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October begins with the Sun transiting in Libra along with Mars and Mercury which may emphasize your immediate environment. Communication with siblings or family members might also be highlighted and you could be preoccupied with the logistical aspects of a domestic scenario. Mercury is now moving retrograde, and this can be your opportunity to catch up with emails and paperwork, although Mercury moving backward is known for introspection and review, while the square from Pluto to Libra planets at the beginning of the month could bring obsessive or circular thinking. Luckily, other people are here for you and it could help to seek out the advice of a partner or someone close to you. A conversation could bring important insights that can help you find solutions and clarify your priorities.

The New Moon in Libra on the 6th is joined by Mars and in aspect to Uranus, and so the cycle it originates could be full of action, unexpected events, and surprise revelations. This New Moon, therefore, signals the beginning of a dynamic cycle in the communication sector of your chart. Your desire to learn and exchange with others could feel more important and you may be craving more in-person conversations after all the zoom calls and social distancing. It may be a good time to set intentions related to your involvement in your community and the grassroots connections that could be made in your neighborhood. Getting to know your locality better and the people and activities around you could be an important piece of the puzzle that helps you feel more grounded this fall.

Venus enters the playful sign of Sagittarius on the 7th, bringing its fiery energy to your creative sector. Your self-expression may be highlighted in many ways in the following weeks and it’s an excellent time to explore your adventurous side. The days following the New Moon may bring opportunities to release old ways of relating and communicating with others. You may feel like you need to open your mind to new perspectives and it could be easier to do so at this time.
The second weekend of October contains a host of aspects that can help clarify your intentions with others and bring progress in your relationships. Saturn stations to direct motion in the sign of Aquarius on the 10th after a four-month-long retrograde period. Conversations or situations that were occurring towards the end of May could gain traction again especially in the realm of your partnerships. Learning to compromise may be a work in progress but you have a lot to gain from working with others.

Creative collaborations continue to be highlighted well into the month. A supportive sextile between Venus in Sagittarius and Saturn in Aquarius around the 13th could bring tangible

results. You may still have to contend with complicated logistical issues or let go of a time- wasting task in order to meet all of your responsibilities, especially as the Sun in Libra comes into its annual square with Pluto in Capricorn from October 15th to the 17th. There is a certain amount of pressure building up mid-month that could relate to a multitude of tasks you are trying to get done. More extensively, you may be experiencing a tension between your beliefs and how to properly engage with others on issues that feel important. Mercury and Jupiter both station direct within a few hours from each other on the 18th which brings attention to how you communicate your ideas and opinions to others.

A certain amount of tension is present leading to the Full Moon on the 20th which could perhaps be better managed by staying away from polarizing conversations. This may be easier said than done as everything conspires to bring heated debates to the surface.

The Aries Full Moon takes place on the 20th, with the Sun and Moon in opposition highlighting Eris opposite Haumea, and their T-square to Pluto implying transformational activity emphasizing finding your most authentic self. Mars in Libra rules the Full Moon in Aries and trines Jupiter in Aquarius while also squaring Pluto in Capricorn further auguring the potential for power struggles, especially around beliefs and opinions. You could be experiencing a crisis of faith surrounding what you thought to be true. Things that have been bubbling under the surface could also come up for review and necessary course corrections. and it may be wise to stay away from argumentative discourse. Physical exercise or other productive outlets may be the best way to channel this tension in the days surrounding this Full Moon.

The Sun enters the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd, which gradually brings your attention to the home and family sector of your chart in the following month. The last week of October is calmer. However, Venus in Sagittarius in square with Neptune in Pisces on the 26th could nudge you toward questioning the validity or reliability of your alliances. While you are usually not one to depend on others for security, something is compelling you right now to invest wholeheartedly in your collaborations and this may bring out fears around autonomy versus vulnerability.

The Sun in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius on the 30th, which highlights the pressure surrounding a commitment. Your home might be directly influenced. This could also indicate a time of careful negotiations between your needs and the needs of people you share your life with in the delicate dance of balance between independence and codependency.

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