Libra Horoscope for August 2017

Libra Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of seizing your destiny, Libra. The powerful Full Moon and lunar eclipse of August 7th lights up your sector of creative self-expression in the context of a general emphasis on outer world planning. The eclipses of this month align with your sector of future plans, and also bring an element of deep intuition to bear, which could change everything. You play the lead in the drama of your own life, taken as a work of art, and you benefit from taking that role seriously. As you move into greater fields of accomplishment as presaged by your ruler, Venus, at the top of your chart, outer meets inner. Especially around the 12th, when Mercury stands still and then begins to move in retrograde motion, you have a much more introspective stance to be solidly integrated with the focus that is already there on public achievement.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

It doesn’t get much brighter for you, Libra, than having Jupiter in your first house for a full year, but this month is extra special because there will be two eclipses falling into your eleventh and fifth houses, and both will be in a sextile and trine with Jupiter in your first house, which means they both have the potential to be very beneficial for you. Let’s take a closer look at these two eclipses and what you might expect from them this month.

The first eclipse is a lunar eclipse (lunar eclipses always take place at Full Moons), in the sign of Leo, which happens to be your fifth solar house. The fifth house was traditionally known as the “Joy of Venus,” and it is related to children, pregnancy, creativity, joy, recreation, and pleasure. Lunar eclipses in the fifth house may bring the end or culmination of a creative era in your life, the birth of a child, children leaving the nest, or significant events in the lives of your children. On the other hand, as a house related to pleasure, lunar eclipses in the fifth may also bring endings relative to where or how you take pleasure or joy. For example, I have a Libra client who is starting a forty-day sugar and alcohol cleanse starting this August. I have another Libra client who is completing a creative project she has been working on for years!

This first eclipse in Aquarius is followed by another eclipse in Leo on August 21st, this time a solar eclipse (solar eclipses always happen on New Moons). The media is already calling this “the great American eclipse,” as it will be fully visible in many places across the United States. Solar eclipses represent powerful new beginnings, or new opportunities, and this eclipse is falling into your eleventh house. The eleventh house was traditionally called the “joy of Jupiter,” and this is because it was related friends and allies, benefactors and support from people in power, wishes and hopes for the future, and things destined for success in time. The reason it was associated with these themes has to do with the fact that planets in this portion of the sky will advance by the rotation of the earth to the midheaven, the highest point in the sky, next. So, these planets are being brought by the natural “primary motion” (created by the 24-hour revolution of the earth on its axis) to the culmination point of the sky, which was associated with rulers, success, fame, promotion, and so forth. For this reason, planets in the eleventh are associated with all manner of people and events that shape our vision of the future, in terms of our goals and aspirations and those things that help us achieve them.

So, while some doors may be closing in your fifth house of creativity, pleasure, children, or pregnancy, there is also an opening coming through this second eclipse that is quite unique. You may see new dreams, goals, or wishes appearing rather dramatically, or new friends, alliances, or opportunities for support presenting themselves, perhaps unexpectedly. The phrase, “where a door closes, a window opens,” is more than just a cliché for you this month. And remember, with Jupiter in your first house beholding both eclipses from a sextile, whatever new hopes and dreams for the future are coming through this month, whatever new friendships, group allegiances, or forms of support you discover, they have the power to boost your confidence and add to your life in positive and exciting ways. Remember, the eleventh is the natural “joy” of Jupiter, and in fact the eleventh house was traditionally called the house of “good spirit.” So, have a magical and blessed month of August, Libra. Good luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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