Libra Horoscope for September 2017

Libra Horoscope for September 2017

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Libra, with surprising relationship events and unexpected enlightenment. You are figuring out your future, with the aid of others’ perspectives, and also by paying the closest possible attention to the hidden side of your personality that reveals itself in dreams, waking visions, and intuitional flashes of insight. Your professional choices, high on your agenda in the weeks leading up to the current month, become merged with these more private, yet still vital, concerns. With Mercury Retrograde as the month begins, you are in almost a spell of deep introspection, so that forging a better alignment between inner and outer becomes a necessary component of your prospective pathway forward. You are renewing your commitment of service to the larger collective that surrounds you, punctuated by the Full Moon of September 6th, and the subsequent Virgo New Moon also, although at both these timings in a rather diffuse and spiritually based, rather than purely practical, manner.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Samuel Reynolds; visit him at Unlock Astrology :

What happens when a social butterfly must cocoon into something else' That’s something you’ll explore this month. Even you don’t think of yourself as much of a social creature.

How often you traipse around in a group or with friends isn’t all that important. It’s more about how you link and feel about those connections. With talky Mercury’s retrograde in one of your key social areas, some of your network might have had some glitches recently. Maybe you couldn’t communicate as clearly as you desired. Or the reverse: what might have been most frustrating was not knowing how to fix the problem.

Sometimes when frustration builds, we rush into solutions. Perhaps that’s what you might try as Mercury teams up with gutsy Mars by conjunction on the 3rd. You will likely have the right impulse. But there’s probably something off about your method. For instance, you may make snap judgments about what someone does, rather than ask them about it directly.

Fortunately, Mercury moves out of its retrograde on the 5th. Perhaps then you can begin a genuine process of figuring out what’s been your issue with certain folks. In fact, you be due for a few surprises.

The mysterious Pisces one on the 6th may bring revelations; after all, that’s what Full Moons often do, and this one will likely be no exception. But perhaps the most surprising reveals will start with you. You probably need to change how you always do something. Maybe some measure of the discord you’re experiencing with others rests with a practice or habit of yours that’s become off-putting. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you automatically have to change it. But you should look closer at whether what you’re doing fully serves you.

You’ll benefit from the introspection. Otherwise, you might experience the tense-ridden square between the glorious Sun and stodgy Saturn on the 13th as merely repressive. You don’t have to feel it that way. You can instead discipline and discern for yourself what you might need to improve on your own rather than wait for others to assert their own demands.

This will help ease any possible anxiety when Mars and Mercury meet up for a second time on the 16th in your meditative 12th house. This cocoon of contemplation will help you better face fears, habits or hang-ups that have been derailing important relationships. But be kind to yourself. These two planets together can put a lot of pressure on you for quick changes. But think more that you’re starting a process of change rather than speeding through it.

At the Virgo New Moon on the 19th and near the beginning of your solar birthday season, you’ll likely feel ready to greet friends and colleagues with more attention to details in your dynamic with them. Wise Jupiter’s showdown by opposition with intuitive Uranus on the 28th may help you with new ideas that allow you to navigate through tense situations with creativity.

As the Sun settles into your sign on the 22nd, you’ll feel even more like yourself.
Then, once resolute Pluto rolls out of its own retrograde on the 28th, your roots will deepen and you’ll feel even better about spreading out to connect with others.

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