Libra Horoscope for December 2017

Libra Horoscope for December 2017

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of twists and turns, Libra, especially where partnership matters are concerned. While being very grounded, physically, and at home in the material world, you are also seeking to move beyond your involvement there, on many levels. While dealing with others with your normal ease, you are, quite significantly, coming to better understand yourself in the deeper and more silent reaches of your own inner world. Communication with your peers, as well as in terms of relationship connection, are subject to refinement and second-guessing, with Mercury, after the first two days of the month, being retrograde in that sector of your chart. You could find yourself more meditative than usual, or caught up in what might feel almost like a dream world. To the extent that you can, it is important to pay attention to the messages that arise from deep within your psyche, as these hold the key to your continued spiritual evolution.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

The Month of December begins for Librans just as Mars is finishing his long transit of your first house. As the month begins, Mars in Libra will oppose Uranus in Aries in your seventh house. Meanwhile, Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house will make a trine to Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house to start the month, and Mercury in Sagittarius will station and turn retrograde in a conjunction with Saturn in your third house. Let’s look at teach transit in depth.

Mars in Libra in your first house will oppose Uranus in Aries in your seventh house at the start of the month. The first house is the house of the self, health, new beginnings, and character. The seventh house is the house of relationships and marriage. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Conflicts, power struggles, and emotional or karmic breakthroughs in relationships
  • Dynamic, exciting, creative tension in relationships or business partnerships
  • Fighting for something you believe in
  • Diplomacy, tact, social strategy
  • Radical measures vs compromise, especially when negotiating
  • Persuasion, desire, and rebellion in love
  • Unexpected changes in the life of a partner
  • Breakup or breakthrough
  • Accusations, betrayal, dishonesty and trust issues in relationships
  • Competition, play, and standoffs in romance
  • Severing, cutting ties with partners
  • Irritation, lack of class or poise, moodiness effecting communication with others

This is a very strong transit after a powerful month-plus of Mars transiting your first house. When Mars enters your second house of money, finances, and possessions, on December 9th, the emphasis will shift onto your earning power, expenses, material things or material desires, and how you are expending your energy or resources generally. This should be a load off compared to the pressure and intensity of Mars in your first house (which can affect your health, moods, and relationships quite intensely).

Next, Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house is making a trine to Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house. This transit is also coming at the beginning of the month. The second house is traditionally the house of money, finances, resources, diet, appetite, earning power or potential, possessions or things that a person might own or be in possession of. The sixth house is traditionally the house of illness and misfortune, underdogs and social injustice, but it is also related to those who are dedicated to serving and healing others. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Expenses related to trying to fix or restore something
  • Expenses related to health, lifestyle improvements, or healing
  • Expenses or financial matters related to people you hire or employ
  • Giving money to a charity or a cause
  • Humanitarian visions and aid
  • Food, diet, and sustainability
  • Renewal or restoral of faith generally
  • Unions or organizations meant to protect people who could be taken advantage of
  • Earning power increasing
  • Demanding fairness or a fair return for hard work
  • Overdoing something and dealing with sickness or misfortune as a result
  • Drugs, sex, appetite and cravings, along with the seduction or appeal of harmful behaviors
  • Calling out for help or support, taking action to help or support others

Finally, Mercury in Sagittarius will station and turn retrograde in a conjunction with Saturn in your third house. The third house is traditionally related to siblings, neighbors, short journeys, memory, messengers, writers, communication, media, etc. Here’s what to watch for:

  • A transformative message
  • Difficult, sobering, serious, news
  • Beliefs, philosophy, and religious or ethical commitments and how you communicate to others about them
  • A change of technology or breakdowns in technology
  • Buying, selling a car or changing your mode or method of transportation
  • A short journey, possibly related to learning, education, or visiting with a wise person
  • Changing your mind about something important
  • Revisiting beliefs or ideas or criticisms from the past
  • Changes or important events related to siblings or cousins
  • Short journeys, traveling home to see close friends, family, or people from the past
  • Media, communication, technology, travel, writing, learning, and messengers are all possibly featured this month
  • Rigid thinking, intellectual commitment, persuasion and debate
  • Strategizing the best way to communicate a difficult message

I hope you have a wonderful Winter Solstice, Libra. I’ll be traveling with you here at Astrograph for all of 2018, and each month it’s my goal to share some personal stories from my practice in order to illustrate how each sign experiences the forecasts, month by month. If you’d like to write us and tell us about how the horoscopes align with your experiences, feel free to add to the comments section below, or email us at Astrograph! In the meantime, Happy Holidays and best of luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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