Libra Horoscope for January 2018

Libra Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a somewhat difficult month for you, Libra, but one with rich rewards if you stay the course of your intentional development. You are coming into a new mandate for outer world success and recognition, while simultaneously delving down into hidden depths that conceal issues of security, family, and nesting that have been there all along but are now coming to a head. Communication with peers is important as you strive to figure out what is going on within you with the advent of this new year. The first two weeks of January are rather intense, punctuated by First Quarter Moon of the 8th that brings the urgent need to transform in these areas of outer commitment and inward struggle. Your intuition is strong, and opens up many possibilities for you, but then something arises to close you off and get you back to the basics of what you are attempting to work out for yourself.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Libra! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your fourth house of home and family to stay for the next two to three years.

Whenever Saturn enters the fourth house it means that we are going to be spending a serious amount of time considering our ancestral and family karma. Saturn in the fourth house can indicate that an elder is passing over, that childhood homes are being sold, or that children are growing up and starting families of their own. It is frequently related to the relocation of home and family, the purchase or sale of homes, or the foundations of home, land, and family. You might find yourself engrossed by subjects from the past, or with history, and don’t be surprised if you’re feeling the need for more privacy or alone time. As a Libra you are generally very social, but Saturn entering your fourth may signal the need for a constructive period of inwardness and privacy.

The first of the month will feature a Full Moon in Cancer in your tenth house. The month begins with the spotlight on the house of career and calling. You may find that things at work are emotionally taxing or demanding right now, and this might be especially challenging given the equal and opposite emphasis being placed on the need to attend to private or domestic issues. As a Libra you’re a creature of balance, but please note that balance is rarely achieved in nature. In fact, nature regularly moves through periods of tension and relaxation, fluctuation constantly through the opposites. Balance is an ideal, and though you’re capable of creating that ideal it’s also normal and natural to feel overwhelmed and to make a decision that tips the scales. If something feels like the bigger priority right now, just let it be the bigger priority!

On January 6th, Mars will conjoin with Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house of money and resources. Mars conjunct Jupiter is an incredibly invigorating and inspiring transit. Be careful of overspending, or gambling with your money or resources right now. You might be feeling generous or you might find yourself in the position to help others with your resources at this time, and it also wouldn’t be surprising if you were in the process of making a large purchase or expanding your resources. Just remember, with Jupiter in your second house for a full year (since October of 2017) it’s a potentially very lucrative as well as a very expensive year.

January 8th is the Last Quarter Moon, highlighting a triple conjunction of the Sun, Pluto, and your ruler Venus in Capricorn, corresponding to your fourth house of home and family. This makes for an important crossroads in your life. Relationships might feel more like family, and possess a powerful intuitional component. You have been challenged to make changes on the home front and now these are coming to a head.

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and immediately make a conjunction to Saturn in your fourth house. You might receive an important piece of news or an important message from a family member, or perhaps related to your home or property at this time. It’s an auspicious time to begin projects related to your home or family, or to buy or sell property, but remember that with Saturn having just entered your fourth house, whatever comes up at this time will likely take a longer time to play out.

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also taking place in your fourth house, and again in conjunction with Venus. You are finding a focus on home cares, nesting, and familial concerns now and over the following two weeks. There are also implications for renewed understanding regarding your core issues.

On January 17th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your fifth house of children, joy, recreation, and creativity. This is a lovely transit for creative projects, romance, enjoying the company of children, and generally taking some extra time for celebration, fun, and spontaneity. Venus in Aquarius may also put a spotlight on exotic art, fashion, and film or literature. Venus in Aquarius loves whatever is just outside the status quo, so don’t be surprised if you start to feel her quirky presence around this time. Enjoy it! It’s a good balancing energy to go along with the weightier presence of Saturn in your fourth house this month.

On January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius and move into your third house, which is the house of siblings, communication, writing, media, and the mind. This transit may have you pretty fired up, ready to debate or have it out over differing ideals or beliefs, or ready to stand up for something you believe in. It generally takes a lot to push a Libran into a more aggressive position, but if fairness is on the line you will fight and advocate for things just as passionately as any other sign. Knowing this transit is coming, you may also avoid unnecessary bickering with others over things that truly do not matter. Mars in the third house may also indicate that you are working through your differences with a sibling, or it could also indicate that you are working through challenges with communication or technology in general.

Finally, the Lunar Eclipse of the 31st in Leo, in your eleventh house, brings up issues having to do with your attitude toward future trends, your own and of the society in general. You are looking at how and where to put your shoulder to the wheel of progress, utilizing your creative output for the benefit of all.

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