Libra Horoscope for February 2018

Libra Horoscope for February 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This can be a month of joyful participation in the cosmic dance, Libra, if you choose to stay open to possibility. Your self-expression is blossoming and the question becomes “to what end'” It may no longer be enough to go with the flow of consensus thought, but rather the time has come to forge your own path. You are beset by difficulties in the form of nay-saying critics inside you, perhaps projected out into the world on others. Your task now is to discern the false impression from the true, and it takes a powerful reliance on inner guidance and intuition to achieve that. Curiosity is one key, as well as cultivating an open handed approach rather than a more contracted shape. You might be literally remodeling your dwelling space or this could be taken metaphorically. You are dedicated now to inner work, to home and hearth, and to striving through obstacles in order to eventually win through.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just one day after the lunar eclipse in Leo. The eclipse landed in your eleventh house of friends, hopes for the future, and allies or benefactors. Lunar eclipses represent endings and culmination; don’t be surprised if you see significant changes related to your friends or social life, your long-term dreams and goals, or among groups of people you belong to. These effects will continue to play out for at least the duration of this month, and beyond.

Meanwhile, on February 3rd Mercury in Aquarius in your fifth house will make a sextile to Mars in Sagittarius in your third house. If you have children this should be a fun time to watch them grow, learn, compete, and create. It’s also a great time for your own creative and passionate communication. Remember that Mercury and Mars can indicate mental or verbal intemperance so be careful to remain mindful of your thoughts and words.

On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your fifth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house. You may find that you are spending a little extra money for the sake of your children, or for the sake of having fun or doing something creative. This is also a great transit for a little good luck when it comes to finances, as well as romance. Enjoy whatever good luck may come your way, but be careful not to go to extremes as Jupiter and Venus may also signify extravagance.

February 7th the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will conjoin with Jupiter in your second house. It’s a good time to pay off debts and to eliminate anything from your life that is taking up too much of your time, energy, or money. It’s also a great time to check your lifestyle practices against your values. Has anything gotten out of balance' If so, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to fix it because the Scorpio Moon is capable of brutal honesty.

February 10th the planet Venus moves into Pisces, where it was traditionally said to be “exalted.” It will be moving into your sixth house. The call to compassion, service, and healing or charity may be quite strong. The world is hurting, and most everyone knows this on an intellectual level, but it’s a whole different experience when we allow ourselves to really feel the pain. It’s only from this point that real healing can begin.

On February 15th it’s a New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in your fifth house. This marks the start of something powerful related to your children or your creative life. As a Libra you are usually poised and balanced, but this New Moon you may be feeling quite passionate and fired up about something. Don’t be afraid to take creative risks, and remember that finding your inner joy, and really owning it may push your personal Libra scale back and forth a few times before things level out again.

On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your third house will square Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house. Be careful during this transit to take your time by moving through the world mindfully. You may find that you’re exhausted if you’re pushing your agenda too much. On the other hand, standing up for a cause or exerting energy for the sake of others may come quite naturally. Just remember that there is a difference between healthy sacrifice and becoming a martyr.

On February 17th Mercury will enter its traditional “fall” by moving into Pisces and your sixth house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces, as well. If you are hiring someone or have employees that work for you be extra mindful about clear communication with them. If you’re in the service of somebody else, remember that your voice counts, and don’t be surprised if you’re called on to communicate or advocate on behalf of those in need.

On February 23rd, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini lands in your ninth house. It’s a good time to clarify your beliefs, to gather the facts, dig deeper into something you’re studying, or to conduct important research.

Following this, on February 25th, Mercury will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house and Venus in Pisces will square Mars in Sagittarius in your third house. Again, you may be feeling quite passionate about helping others at this time, but be careful to keep very clear boundAries between yourself and others. It’s also easy for your words to be misunderstood at this time, or for your intentions or motives to be misconstrued.

With a whole lot of Pisces energy in the air this month, don’t be afraid to wear your emotions on your usually cool and balanced sleeve. It’s a month of deeper and more vulnerable feelings for Librans, so mine these for your ultimate benefit!

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