Libra Horoscope for April 2020

Libra Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a significant month for you, Libra, with a recent New Moon in your opposite sign, indicating that partnerships of all varieties form an important focus for you now. You will be entertaining many ideas about how to expand on current relationship possibilities. This is especially so in the timing of the Libra Full Moon of April 7th, when also your ruler, Venus, is greatly emphasized in your higher mind sector. Educational opportunities abound, most likely in a non-academic sense, accompanied by shifts in your beliefs and worldview. There is a powerful transformational focus as well in your home and family sector, which is of course operating against the backdrop of the ongoing Coronavirus health crisis and requirements to “shelter in place.” You do well to recognize that change is happening deep within your psyche, potentially with tied up with issues of family of origin or your current dwelling space, and that change, while irrevocable, need not be detrimental to your future well being as an evolving human on a delicately fragile planet.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on April 1st makes your career aspirations and partnership obligations difficult to reconcile. Saturn in Aquarius is conjoined Mars in your creative house prompting you to get serious about your current projects, with the potential for partners of one kind or another becoming involved. Hard work characterizes the first week of the month, and most of it could be taking place at home.

Your ruler, Venus, enters Gemini on April 3rd where she will spend the next four months, an unusually long time for Venus to be in any sign. This is due to her upcoming retrograde through most of the first two thirds of Gemini, which she will therefore hit three times. Her trine to Saturn in Aquarius upon first entering suggests that you can link pleasure and learning. With Venus transiting in Gemini, the focus is on finding ways to branch out in the world. Expanding your horizon, broadening your reach, learning, and traveling, even if only of the armchair variety, could very well be where your heart is until early August. However, with Jupiter and Pluto tightly conjoined in Capricorn for the first week of April much of your attention could be on dealing with your base of operation. Some big changes are in the works on the home front. However these changes will take time. Saturn is out of Capricorn, although just for three months, which brings relief in that part of your life. You can start integrating the lessons of the last few years in connections with your roots, your home, your ancestors, and where you come from. Assuming that you did your homework, and that you are therefore more solidly anchored within yourself thanks to the teachings of the last few years, you are now better equipped to make decisions regarding where you want to be in the world.

The Full Moon occurs in your sign this month, and takes place on April 7th. Her silvery light carries an emotional glow illuminating your needs and what makes you feel nourished. With your ruler currently transiting in Gemini in your vision sector, this could very well have to do with a learning journey, dreams of travel, or a foreign lover. Another aspect culminating on the day of the Full Moon is Mars in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. At its worst, this aspect can be associated with restlessness and a tendency for impulsive or rash actions; at its best, it could trigger creative innovations and significant breakthroughs. You may have a need to express tension that has been building up. You win when you can follow your creative impulses and try to use this time on projects that require both novel conceptions and an energetic output.

Groundbreaking ideas can be revealed when this energy is utilized productively.

Mercury enters Aries on April 10th, finally moving out of Pisces after transiting there since the beginning of February. The swift messenger of the Gods entering the fiery sign of Aries should increase your communications with others. Partnerships of all kinds come to the forefront for the rest of the month. You could find yourself trying to reconcile personal obligations and social engagements.

The Last Quarter Moon takes place in Capricorn on April 14th, in a tight conjunction with Jupiter and Pluto, while squaring the Sun in Aries. This is startling, and transformational for you. Things might change dramatically on the home front. You could start to see the implications of recent decisions you have made. Mercury in Aries also conjoins Chiron, which could bring painful albeit healing dialogues in connection with your partnerships. Then, on April 18th, Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius and Venus in Gemini; there could be a silver lining to a predicament. Solutions are starting to emerge when the Sun enters Taurus on April 19th. This is a timing when you will start to find your footing in a totally foreign territory. While the Sun travels in the sign of Taurus, new contracts and agreements could be made in order to stabilize a financial situation. Upon entering the fixed Earth sign of Taurus, the Sun squares Saturn in Aquarius –and this speaks of contracts binding you to others. In an effort to get a creative project moving, you might find yourself getting the funding you need; if so, this likely to be in exchange for hard work.

You can also look to the New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd for new beginnings in relationship with intimate partners, or also perhaps the inception of a solid working plan for your own project. Agreements made with others at this time are not to be taken lightly, and could in actuality bind you for a very long time. It might be that these necessary contracts wind up getting your work out in the world and provide another example of you getting funding you will need.

Mercury in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on April 25th, just as Pluto stations retrograde. You might therefore expect deep conversations at home and with your loved ones around this time. New information could surface that challenges your situation, or something hidden could be revealed that act to change your opinion. The Sun in Taurus also conjoins Uranus on April 25th likely creating tension, as well as inspiration that can be expressed creatively. This last weekend of April thus promises to be full of surprises, so that it’s best to stay flexible and just go with the flow. Mercury also enters Taurus the day after, on April 27th, which could bring new development for the final days of April to things that had felt to be in suspense.

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