Libra Horoscope for May 2020

Libra Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a another quite interesting month for you, Libra, with important changes taking place in the hidden layers of your psyche, remote from your fully conscious logical gaze, and yet still redolent with meaning for you when you can trust your intuition. Your ruler, Venus, retrogrades this month in the sign of Gemini, where she will reside until August, and the great likelihood is that as this time period unwinds you will go through several profound shifts in perspective. You have been changing in the very core of your being, this month even more so, and home and family issues could arise to participate in this. In any case it is a needed change, a good thought to remember as your metamorphosis continues to unfold. The mid-month period from May 12th to 14th represents an intense timing when your interior transformation is highlighted, and when inner wounding could also come up in the context of relationship adjustments. The Gemini New Moon of the 22nd is again life changing for you, and fundamentally idealistic.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Taurus New Moon, and the collision of Mercury and Uranus in that sign, corresponding to your eighth solar sector of intimacy, personal transformation, and other people’s money, provide a rich backdrop for the month of May for you. Ideas around these areas are likely coming to you fast and furious.
The month of May also arrives with your mind decidedly focused on an extensive project, a learning or a teaching journey that is broadening your sense of possibilities. Your ruling planet Venus currently transiting in Gemini is prompting you to contemplate philosophical issues, and the expansion of your perspectives. This could be taking place through a collaboration with someone from a different background, or through a recent learning journey. Exchanging ideas could feel really stimulating, especially in a broader context like education or through philosophical conversations with colleagues and friends. Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces as the month begins, an aspect that will be more or less exact for the whole month. This aspect could feel disruptive or creative, depending on circumstances, as Neptune often has a draining or diffusing influence. It might be harder than usual to stick to a rigid schedule while you find yourself more susceptible to the ebb and flows of your inspiration. Sorting through your priorities could be revealed to be nearly impossible, as if everything is equally important. You could also find yourself conflicted between what your mind knows and what your heart is telling you. However, Venus in Gemini squaring Neptune all month could also denote a period of increased connectivity and revelation. Compassion, inspiration, and receptivity are the more positive attributes of Neptune. While this is not a terrible aspect, it does take dealing with, and it might be important to clarify what has become muddled before you are able to do that and move forward. In a work or collaborative context, for example, making sure that everyone is on the same page could help avoid confusion.

The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on May 7th, illuminating your worth, your values, and your overall financial disposition. Mars, currently in Aquarius rules over this Full Moon, being the traditional ruler of Scorpio. A link between a project, your creativity or your children, and your finances might come into focus around the time of the Full Moon. This is a good time to assess your financial situation and gain clarity regarding what is available to you. If you have been selling yourself short in the last few months, this is the occasion to rectify your stance. Your deep engagement with others right now comes into focus, and you might be having important conversations around shared values versus individual needs. This will continue to color the second week of May, with Mercury in Taurus also coming into a trine with Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn. The financial and emotional security that stems from others comes into focus with important structural shifts taking place at a foundational level.

Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius late evening on May 10th and Mercury enters Gemini on the next day. These two planets trine each other on May 12th creating a supportive influence for intellectual work. This makes for an opportunity in the month for serious conversations or for a task that requires sustained effort. Saturn moving retrograde until the end of September could find you rethinking a recent creative process in order to concretize it. You might also need to deal with long-standing issues on the home front before you can move ahead into your next chapter. Mid-May represents a turning point, with your ruler, Venus, in Gemini, stationing retrograde late evening May 12th while Mars enters Pisces on May 13th. Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14th, just in time for the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius. Tension is indicated during this lunar phase in connection with what was initiated on the New Moon, now three weeks ago. This could play out in your close associations as you try to reconcile an idea with the support you receive from others, or to demands made on you. You might have to adapt in order to get what you want. Since compromising is one of your areas of expertise, whatever this implies might not be too stressful, but it will require your attention.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, relieving some of the tension you might have recently felt in your close collaborations. Venus in Gemini, now moving retrograde, continues in her square with Neptune in Pisces diffusing good judgment. You might find yourself idealizing someone or some situation, and it could be important to keep a sense of detached discernment at this time.

The New Moon arrives on May 22nd in the sign of Gemini, while Mercury and Venus are conjoined also in the same sign. All this activity is taking place in your higher mind sector, endowing you with big ideas and an appreciation of new perspectives. This New Moon contains a mixture of high hopes and grand visions, perhaps especially so in the realm of travel and academia. With three planets currently retrograde some of what is initiated now could take some time to find its roots. It is however an excellent time to set your eyes on the distant horizon, as you may well be imbued with an inspired sense of your possibilities as well as with the desire for new learning experiences.?


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