Libra Horoscope for June 2020

Libra Horoscope for June 2020

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quite intense month for you, Libra, especially in its second half, although perhaps not as planned. With your ruler, Venus, running retrograde through your higher mind sector, it is possible that you have come to some quite different ideas recently, perhaps unseating previous patterns of belief. It is also likely that educational or travel plans could have changed, a process continuing into next month. There is also a new level of commitment to an educational or philosophically rich subject matter that you might welcome in terms of inner goals. The June 20th Solstice eclipse and New Moon is quite powerful for you, especially in terms of outer world commitments, such as career and professional life, a potency that carries over to the end of the month, as partnership comes more fully into the picture. You are being asked to slow down and to move carefully, but there are advantages to this approach. The water in a ditch that moves the slowest has the best chance of truly sinking in.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Venus, your ruling planet is still retrograde in Gemini to begin the month, which is not ideal. You might be wondering where to focus your attention as you are being pulled in a multitude of directions without necessarily knowing which one to prioritize. Your worldview and beliefs are on your mind, with perhaps some second thoughts about where you are headed with these. You might have your mind on sweeping projects that are moving you out of your usual turf, and into broader territories. With Gemini season in full swing, your ideas are gaining traction and you have the opportunity to talk about them on a wider platform. A few redeeming factors are helping you handle the various narratives weaving themselves into your life right now. Firstly, Venus being in an air sign means that you can conceptually handle everything that is being thrown at you. Secondly, Venus retrograde conjoins the Sun on June 3rd bringing clarity in a particular process or helping you sort through your priorities.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, taking place on June 5th, is the first eclipse on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis since the Nodes of the Moon have changed signs. This penumbral lunar eclipse prompts you to reevaluate your assumptions, and the way you communicate these to your environment. What you take for granted, what is deeply ingrained within you, especially your ideas about the world, all this is getting a shake up. On the horizon, new potential is arising that allows you far greater possibilities. The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius ignites a process that will take you all the way to the end of 2021. This might not be totally visible until the solar eclipse in Sagittarius near the end of this year. Jupiter, ruling this Sagittarius eclipse, is retrograde in Capricorn, which renders things a lot more complicated. Jupiter is a planet associated with potentiality but in the contractive sign of Capricorn it could feel like a responsibility at home or with a family member is stomping your growth. Jupiter will eventually move out of Capricorn. However, you currently need patience and pragmatism to deal with logistical issues on your home front while you envision the broader pastures that await you, and your ideas, in the not so far distant future.

The Sun squares Mars and then Neptune in Pisces during the second week of June, which leads to the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces on the late evening of June 12th. The tension of trying to reconcile your workload and your responsibilities into a normal schedule is taking its toll. Being busy is not a bad thing but exhaustion is possible especially if you over-extend yourself in too many directions. You might be forced to schedule proper resting time. A good way to avoid this scenario is to pay attention to what habits are draining your energy right now.

Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer on the late evening of June 17th, operating until July 12th. This time period will allow you to sort through your career objectives more clearly. With Uranus in Taurus in a sign-base sextile with Mercury in Cancer, it could be a good time to look for people who are willing to back up your ideas financially. Unlikely associations could pay off!

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on June 20th signalling the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This of course also marks the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. A few hours later a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters Cancer and meets with the Sun. This annular solar eclipse is the last one in Cancer from a series that began in July 2018. This solar eclipse is a potent one as it sits at the zero degree point of Cancer, with reference to your sector of career or professional life. A cycle comes to a close, and a new one begins regarding a vocational direction. The next month could very well bring even more clarity in connection with your place in the world and what you have to contribute.

Venus in Gemini finally stations direct on the late evening of June 24th after being retrograde since May 13th. Mars enters the sign of Aries two days later on June 27th, initiating a six-month transit in your house of partnership, due to Mars turning retrograde there in September. Your relationship status is shifting by the end of June. Venus in Gemini will help things move ahead, finally, after a period of uncertainty. Mars in Aries will also bring an energetic presence to help you negotiate the terms of your partnerships of all varieties.

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn conjoin for a second time, perfecting on June 30th. Their prior conjunction, on April 4th, initiated a new cycle in connection with your home and your family. This current conjunction happens while both Jupiter and Pluto are moving retrograde in Capricorn, inviting you to revisit a recent dilemma. Unresolved issues could surface that will need to be addressed. These could have to do with boundaries or responsibilities in connection with your home – and with no easy answers.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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