Libra Horoscope for October 2020

Libra Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another crazy-making month for you, Libra, so that you must try not to succumb, or to be distracted from your strong intention. All in all, this is an inner oriented time for you, right from the very beginning of the month, when you must beware issues of old wounding that could up, potentially, to haunt you. This is as you strive to better understand your partner and your relationship dynamic in general. You are bent on exploring your inner world, to include the shadow side of material wants versus spiritual necessities. You are seeking inspiration from your depths, and you will find it there, providing you can stay as open as you can to all your possibilities. The 13th is a potent day for all of the above, as the actual station of Mercury to retrograde motion lends a reflective air to everything that has been going on for you in this strange and mixed-up birthday season. A mystical series of events could provide awakening to yourself in new ways, beyond surface confusion.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October opens with a dramatic Full Moon in Aries in your house of partnerships. There have been a lot of changes since April and this Full Moon in Aries represents the culmination of a process regarding your relationships. With the Sun currently transiting in Libra your needs are clear. You know what you want and you know how you feel. However navigating the current relationships and meeting the expectations of the important people in your life could feel polarizing. You are no stranger to difficult choices and ambiguity but you could also be wrestling with a difficult constraint. The Full Moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron which is associated with wounding, healing, and vulnerability. These themes reign high as the month of October begins. You may have to come to grips with a difficult scenario that doesn’t seem to be moving fast enough. Mars transiting retrograde in Aries until mid-November could mean that things will take a while to unfold.

Your ruler, Venus, enters Virgo on the 2nd where she will spend the rest of October unearthing your deeper desires and some of your relationship apprehensions. Venus in Virgo will be moving in the part of your chart that relates to your unconscious supporting a process that began earlier in September around the New Moon in Virgo. Getting at the roots of what you want may demand humility and honesty. You may have to face some of your fears around inadequacy.

Tension is indicated leading to the second weekend of October when Mars in Aries precisely squares Pluto in Capricorn. You may have a powerful drive to succeed at this time or someone close to you could be testing your limits. Power struggles are most likely to erupt in your close partnerships. Your diplomatic nature can prevail amidst the tension but it may require some delicate negotiating. Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus shows that there may be something new and exciting on the horizon that is not totally formed yet. You may have to bear the weight of a secret.

Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio on October 13th and will be moving retrograde until November 3rd, and even two weeks beyond that when you take Mercury’s shadow period into account. There could be financial uncertainty as you reassess your allegiance. The Sun in Libra opposing Mars retrograde in Aries on the same day shows that there is not much patience for compromises available. However you may have no other choice.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th signals the beginning of a significant new cycle for you. What is emerging at this time may still be invisible even though you can intuit the shapes of things to come. There is darkness before growth and the New Moon is the darkest part of the lunar cycle. The intentions you plant now will take a while to get visible but new forms are taking shapes and are trying to emerge. The New Moon squares Saturn and Pluto in combination, located in Capricorn, hinting that you may have to fulfill familial obligations or feel limited by a living scenario. You may need patience and resolve to get where you want to go, but what you envision now could influence the next few years. Everything comes in good time.

You may start to see new pathways arising around October 19th. There could be a decision made by a partner of an associate that starts moving things along. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus — for a second time this month – on the 20th. Things that have felt stuck during the first week of October could start up again and gain momentum. There could be a financial component to your current dilemma with difficult choices to make. The Sun entering Scorpio on the 22nd will bring attention to your financial realm for the next month. More extensively, your sense of self-worth, as well as some fears around stability, could be highlighted. You may have an opportunity to clarify how you feel and find greater footing amidst the changing tides in the weeks ahead.

Mercury Retrograde re-enters your sign on the 27th and prepares to station direct. A situation that began during the last week of September could finally get resolved as an important conversation occurs. Venus enters Libra only moments after Mercury does, at the other end, and will be gracing your sign until November 21st. Your relationships will benefit from Venus in your sign, endowing you with the ability to charm even the toughest characters.

The Full Moon in Taurus at the end of the month coming due exactly on the 31st, is conjoined Uranus giving it an exciting edge. It could be an exciting Halloween. Shared resources and intimate partnership come to light, and a collaboration may be coming to fruition.

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