Libra Horoscope for September 2020

Libra Horoscope for September 2020

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a wild one for you, Libra, with loads of twists and turns. This demands that you stay as open as you can to possibility, while keeping a weather eye upon necessary limitation and practicality. Your commitment to your home and family is very strong, and represents a significant source of transformational energy that will take you into your most vibrant future. You are exploring new ways of being in the world, including career and profession, in which you seek a more complete match to your most profound values. Innovation competes with the need for stability, and for avoiding moving too far, too fast. Your unconscious process plays an important role here as well, so that you will need to trust your intuition over simple logical reasoning. In the second week of the month, the retrograde of Mars throws you a curve ball or two, just to see how you can handle these, on your way to the prospective version of yourself that is most authentically your own.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

September begins for you riding the coattails of a powerful New Moon in Leo, in your social sector, implying that recently, and for the first half of this month also, your friendships and group associations that you favor are on your mind, as well as your contributions to the surrounding society. Your daily routines, and how you organize your time, represent another focus as the month begins. The Full Moon in Pisces late evening on the 1st of September also clarifies your intentions surrounding your health. You may have a pretty good idea of what undermines you, and yet remain at sea with these things, because changing your habits is easier said than done. It could be that indulgences and pleasure makes you happy, and you forget the rest. You are a Venusian creature after all. A strict routine is not your strong suit, which might make it hard for any of your resolutions to permanently stick.

Also, your ruling planet Venus is still transiting in Cancer at the beginning of the month allowing for important networking opportunities. Venus opposing Saturn in Capricorn on the 1st and 2nd, in the timing of this potent Full Moon, shows that elbow grease is required if you want to gain traction in your chosen field.

You might also have felt recently that you are reaching a plateau in terms of what you are able to accomplish. This may be due in part with your propensity to take the path of least resistance, and if so it is time to straighten up! There could be things you want to do, while habits are working against you. The Full Moon in Pisces illuminates and reaffirms what you already feel; that you need to prioritize your body, and establish healthier routines.

On September 4th, Venus squares Mars in Aries, currently transiting in your house of partnerships, while the Moon meets Chiron, and then Mars in Aries on the 5th. This signals a potentially stressful or aggravating few days. You may try to reconcile personal ambitions with the requirements of a relationship but it could prove difficult to see eye to eye. Mercury entering Libra on the same day could help you find the right words to restore the equilibrium.

Venus enters Leo on the 6th, carrying her charms over to your social sector, and continuing to offer graceful networking opportunities to you. You may connect to important people or perhaps to a community that offers you more visibility.

Mars stations retrograde in Aries on the 9th, which signals the beginning of a two-months-long retrograde period in your house of partnerships. Your agreements with others could come under closer scrutiny, or it could feel harder to find a common ground. You may feel more like branching out on your own at this time with less patience for negotiations. However, with so many projects happening in tandem with other people, you could be forced to get along.

Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn on the 12th, bringing solutions for logistical issues on the home front. You may start to gain traction regarding a project that was on hold since May.

As the third week of September begins, around the 13th, Venus in Leo trines Chiron in Aries and squares Uranus in Taurus mid-month. Unforeseen conversations, or information, may come up; there could be secrets revealed or clarification needed.

The New Moon in Virgo taking place on the 17th emphasizes a fresh start on inner work that might have been happening all along, behind the scenes. This is a powerful time for you, when many things could be secretly coming together, and when you do well to trust your intuition, and to stay true to your deepest feelings of commitment to your process. You could be busy refining a project, and this New Moon energy brings a renewed incentive to work hard to get things done. This could represent a time of discipline when you are willing to put the extra effort. There is a lot of Saturn, and also Uranus in this picture, implying changes and yet also discipline. Mercury in Libra squaring Jupiter in Capricorn at the same time additionally shows that you may have over-committed yourself, and must now assume the responsibilities that come with a particular arrangement.

The Sun entering your sign on the 22nd is energizing for you. The Sun transiting in Libra for the next month represents a rebirth of sorts, the beginning of a new solar year for your sign. There are some tense aspects occurring this month, especially with limiting Saturn, but the Sun in your sign will help you move forward with a renewed sense of vitality.

Venus continuing her transit of Leo – corresponding to your social sector – means you could be in high demand during the last two weeks of the month. However, most of the tension occurring on the cardinal axis that includes your sign implies that you will have to split your attention between your home, your partnerships and your own objectives. This is bound to be a challenging albeit creative time. The polarizing tension may force you to enter into changes that you wouldn’t otherwise be inclined to make; progress through necessity.

Mercury in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn and opposes Mars in Aries on the 23-24th of September, which could bring some confronting conversations or challenging circumstances. You might not know what to prioritize, and it may be best to wait before making an impulsive decision.

Mercury enters Scorpio on the 27th shifting some of your attention onto your financial situation. Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio in October, and some of the themes associated with this impending retrograde may already be coming up. You are likely be reexamining and revising various aspects of your connection to the material world, including your finances, in the coming weeks.

Coloring the end of the month, Saturn turns direct on the late evening of the 28th, in his domicile sign of Capricorn, after five months retrograde in your home and family sector. Saturn moving direct will help you make important decisions in connection with your home base but you may not be able to act on these right away. Saturn simultaneously squaring Mars, in your partnership sector suggests that you may have to negotiate with a partner before you can move ahead.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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