Libra Horoscope for February 2022

Libra Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another magical month for you, Libra, simultaneously partaking of both inner and outer perspectives. Venus, your ruler, has only just come out of its retrograde motion, occupying the root sector of your chart, while lying in close trine with trickster Uranus in another Water house. This bespeaks of an extreme inner orientation as the month gets underway, with a strong focus on personal evolutionary growth. You could be reconsidering certain parts of your domestic setup, or issues of your family of origin. You are also choosing – perhaps at largely unconscious levels – to better understand who you really are and what might constitute your most integrous pathway forward, those actions and attitudes that you can own up to as your deepest truth. All this inner work leads you to a greater sense of freedom with your own self-expression, your creative output, and the ways that you connect with others around you and with favorite social groups. You are coming into yourself in new ways. Especially after the mid-February Leo Full Moon, friendships that you have are more important than ever, and have the happy side-effect of helping to lead you home.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

This current month of February begins with a New Moon in Aquarius from the very beginning of the month, which brings a fresh resolve for your creative projects and your self-expression. Saturn has been transiting in Aquarius for over a year which may have brought a powerful incentive to get serious about your passions these past months. There could also have been many obstacles and roadblocks to doing what you want and you may be realizing the amount of discipline that you need to continue doing what you love. At this time, you could feel strangely aware of your limitations without knowing exactly how to proceed. This New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle so you think about intentions that can be seeded. Also, with the influence of Saturn at this time, what you initiate could have lasting power. Uranus in Taurus also squaring the New Moon means you might have to contend with some uncertainty, or surprise events. Focusing on what’s possible and grounding your vision into small tangible steps could help you make significant progress this month.

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on the 3rd, although Mercury’s retrograde influence will continue for two additional weeks to bring a more introspective influence. Mercury’s forward motion could help you integrate the lessons of the past two months and make space for the new things you want to bring into your life. Mars in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Pisces from the 3rd to the 5th could give you just the right amount of discipline and enthusiasm needed to get on with your work. You can get a lot done right now and it might be easier to focus on the tasks at hand than trying to look at the whole picture.

The First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 8th is a pivotal point in the early month that can help you understand what you have to work with. There may be some significant benefits coming from an arrangement with someone but you’ll have to stay flexible. You may have to compromise on doing things the way you want while adapting to changing circumstances. You may be at the mercy of someone else’s schedule which could create frustrations or delays.

Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn and trine the North Node in Taurus just before entering Aquarius on the 14th. This third weekend of February could bring traction for problems you’ve been wrestling with, especially the ones related to your home. A situation that started to feel complicated at the beginning of January could finally loosen up as new options emerge.

The Full Moon culminates in the sign of Leo on the 16th illuminating your place in the world and your social participation. This could be a busy period in the month with opportunities to socialize and have fun. You may spend time with friends you haven’t seen in while and get a boost from being out and about. Venus and Mars are conjunct in Capricorn from February 14th onward, and prominent in this Full Moon, a conjunction that lasts past the end of the month, stimulating your endeavors and arousing your passions. This conjunction remains active until after the end of February which may help you find greater equilibrium between your desires and your emotional nature.

The Sun enters the Water sign of Pisces on the 18th signaling a quitter time of more subdued energy, which also announces the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces gradually shifts the focus on your physical health and your daily routine. It could be easier to integrate new health modalities or exercises into your schedule as Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus. It may be a good time to look for a teacher or a healer that can show you better ways to support your overall health and physical well-being.

The last week of February is colored by Venus and Mars in Capricorn, still in close conjunction, coming into a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This may cast an inspiring and idealistic influence on your emotions. You may be driven by something beyond yourself at this time but it may feel harder to direct your energy efficiently. Neptune thus colors the last full week of February with a hopeful energy but also the fantasy of something that may not be exactly as it seems. It could be an excellent time to focus on artistic projects that require free flowing ideas, or to let go of trying to control an outcome. You may get the most enjoyment out of this time by being creative and by spending time with people you love.

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