Libra Horoscope for March 2022

Libra Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quite interesting and potentially transformational month for you, Libra. There are several parts of your life that come into this evolution and one is intimacy with significant others. You are likely to encounter surprises there, similar to preceding weeks and months. Another important focus right now is the idea of finding a quiet spirituality in the common areas of day-to-day activities, or your health in general, or your workplace. You feel a sense of life mission is felt on an optimistic and idealistic level. Also involved is your home and family sector, sometimes called your root sector, which includes your dwelling space, current home situation, and family of origin. Close partnerships in your life come up for you as well at this time, also issues of identity; examination of yourself at depth will be illuminating now. All of these areas are possible to encounter events for you to either suffer through or else to look into, and by seizing the opportunity attempt changes, leading to rectifying the issues involved. As you build toward the spring equinox and the dramatic ending day of the current month, you are coming more fully into healing.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces at almost the very beginning of March signals the start of a fresh cycle for things pertaining to your health and your routines. This is a powerful lunation that governs the next thirty days, so pretty much all of March. You may be feeling a renewal of sorts in these matters and perhaps wanting to integrate more wholesome foods and healing modalities that can help boost your vitality. You may be more aware of the costs of your energetic investments at this time, preferring to focus your attention on activities that feel restorative. Other factors in this potent New Moon affect you more strongly. The triple conjunction between Mars, Pluto, and Venus, your ruler, in the home and family sector of your chart could indicate that things unseen below the surface layers of your psyche are beginning to act up in a way that demands recognition and making some sort of a change in that significant area of your life. You could experience an intensification of your passions or you may be looking for more honesty and commitment from an important partner.

Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius in this New Moon could bring your conscious attention to your creative self-expression or make communication with others feel restricted or serious. A mixed bag of very positive influences and more challenging ones permeates this time requiring discernment to find the right path for you to follow.

On the late-evening of the 5th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius almost simultaneously in their ongoing conjunction to each other. The first degree of Aquarius is a sensitive point on the zodiac where the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn occurred in December of 2020. It could benefit you to look back and reflect on what you initiated about two years ago and where you are now. This may be related to a creative project or a romantic scenario. Mars and Venus in Aquarius for the next several weeks might bring significant traction for things that you love and where you find your joy in life. Positive developments may well be possible in this area, including romantic possibilities. In another reading, your dedication may lead to you starting to see the physical manifestation of your hard work.

Mercury enters the sign of Pisces on the 9th where it will be moving swiftly until the nearly the end of the month. You may have to contend with a few curveballs and adopt a more flexible approach for dealing with your everyday life. You may have a hard time focusing your attention, especially as the Sun conjuncts Neptune on the 13th and the 14th. Your priorities could feel somewhat muddled, prompting you to get creative with what you have available at this time. It may be harder to know what you should prioritize causing you to wait until the later part of the month to make important decisions.

The Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th could highlight a need for solitude and contemplation to regroup. You may become aware of physical symptoms which have their roots in your emotional body or vice-versa. Healing modalities could be particularly efficient right now for dealing with physical or emotional symptoms. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo and therefore presides over this Full Moon from the sign of Pisces while also forming a quirky sextile with Uranus. Information or insights might come to you by strange means at this time or your psychic sensitivities could be heightened. It may also be more difficult that you want to decipher the meaning of your hunches so that you could have to wait for more information.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of a more dynamic period for you. Venus and Mars come into a clashing square with Uranus in Taurus at this time potentially bringing up issues around shared resources or your intimate partnerships. Passions could be coming to a boil and you may have to engage in a few diplomatic conversations before you can see eye-to-eye with someone. Your collaborations and partnerships could be highlighted in the latter part of March. As one possibility it may be harder to know who or what to prioritize as people may suddenly need something from you.

Mercury still transiting in Pisces comes into a conjunction with Jupiter on the 21st and Neptune on the 23rd somewhat blurring the contours of reality. With Neptune involved this may also be a very idealistic time for you. You may have to relinquish control for a few days and let things flow where they want to go. A few days later on the 27th, Mercury enters Aries creating a period when things might start to make more sense, especially when it comes to your partnerships and collaborations.

On the 28th, Venus is forming a conjunction with Saturn in the sign of Aquarius which could test the strength of your passions. What you love may come under closer scrutiny at this time but opportunities for deeper commitments could also be available.

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