A Synchronistic Month of March

A Synchronistic Month of March

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrology of March features a once-more closing in of Uranus and Pluto in their volatile square combination, plus the retrogrades of Mars — only just beginning in late Libra — and Mercury, officially ended but still in its retrograde shadow until the 21st. As in the previous month of February, we are therefore inner oriented. Uranus is also given a boost by a stationing Jupiter in exact square to Uranus and in opposition to Pluto. The trauma of these times is indeed closely related to Uranus and Pluto coming down, in their storied square, to wrest us from our complacency and get us to ask the difficult questions of ourselves such as where do we need to be learning and growing, as we shuck off behavior that has no real utility for us any longer in our more evolved understanding of ourselves. In this way, we are all going through some degree of future shock, based on our own continuing evolution, to the point where we no longer even recognize our former selves.

This is an exciting month of March, because while we are turning further to the unconscious side of our being, in order to examine our inner workings more closely, we are also venturing out upon new psychological territory that is new and daring. This concept is reflected in the close Uranus-Jupiter square that is near exact for the entire month and on throughout April. Its moment of exact comes next month, on the 20th, magically just as Pluto and Uranus form their exact square at very nearly the same degree and minute of their own respective signs. Meanwhile, Mars in Libra in its retrograde motion comes quite close to exactly opposing Uranus. As we prepare for this cosmic event, hailed by many as the "cardinal grand cross," still to come next month, we have in March a very strong dose of Uranus and Jupiter, closely aspected by the Pisces New Moon, indicating that brilliant ideas come to us with more frequency than even lately. These are accompanied by synchronicities that signal their symbolic resonance with meaningful change to take place in our thoughts and eventually our deeds and in a revitalized organization for our society.

Saturn in Scorpio is also powerfully configured in this monthly cycle, stationing retrograde on March 2nd and making aspects to personal planets and to Jupiter over the first week of the month. This introduces a note of caution into the picture of otherwise wildly optimistic Jupiterian high jinks, and reminds us that it is the very structure of our lives that is changing.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, placed in Pisces near the degree of the recent New Moon, remains in close sextile to Pluto, so that one big factor in these March skies continues to be our recognition of inner wounding, along with acceptance, recovery and moving on with our lives in spite of everything. Once we can take a more wholly spiritual approach to our lives, the trauma of the past can be overcome and lived with, and even gladly taken in. We are getting ready as a collective to over the waterfall into a newer and freer world, and there is definitely some associated angst to deal with, along with much wonder also.

When Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow, passing its previous station degree in early Pisces, on the 21st, one day after the Sun moves into Aries and springtime begins, it comes quite close to the numinous energy of the Neptunian archetype, which it intersects two days later at the time of the Last Quarter Moon. This will be a confusing and a holy time, when we might begin to see through thinning veils to the other-dimensional realities symbolized by Neptune and made manifest within these earthly realms as music, poetry and dance.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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