An October Month of Questioning, Revisioning, and Looking Within

An October Month of Questioning, Revisioning, and Looking Within

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a wild October that we are stepping into which features a relationally emphasized Mercury Retrograde, and an unpredictable Libra New Moon that sets the tone for the rest of the month. This Mercury Retrograde is in Libra, and lasts for all of October when you take into account the two weeks of its retrograde shadow period that follows its station to direct motion on October 18th. The Libra New Moon of the 6th takes place with Mercury at 20 degrees, having started at 25 ten days prior, and the New Moon itself is at 13, incidentally also in partile or same-degree conjunction with Mars and in partile aspect as well with Uranus, an inconjunct (quincunx) aspect of 150 degrees. Uranus with Mars, augmented in this way by the Libra New Moon and the Mercury Retrograde, is an indicator for strange happenings, unexpected events, and, potentially, accidents, so that everyone can benefit from exercising caution at this time. We can also take advantage in practical ways of the tremendous access to intuition and surprising – even startlingly profound – revelation as indicated by the extra-powerful configuration of Uranus.

The other factor of this whole month, emphasized in the chart of the Libra New Moon, is astounding, dynamic, and quite profound in its influence. There is a partile T-square at 24 degrees of Cardinal signs, between Eris in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, and the Mercury/ Haumea midpoint in Libra. This bodes transformation, looking deep inside ourselves for our better nature and greater alignment with our most profound principles, thus coming to our own authenticity in the face of a societal consensus that is endlessly distracting and dissuading of such an endeavor. This energy can be confronting, yet also clarifying, and it may be helpful to journal or talk about what’s happening for you with your trusted allies. Those with planets in Cardinal signs within 2 degrees to either side, from 22 to 26 degrees, that are most directly affected by this configuration.

The Aries Full Moon taking place on Wednesday, October 20th, is also quite interesting, because aligned with an existing long-term opposition of two of these new planets beyond Pluto that move quite slowly, and that are currently making a T-square to Pluto as described above. Eris at 24 Aries and Haumea at 28 Libra, both in square to Pluto, are greatly triggered by the Sun and Moon only a few degrees away from the Eris position, and 1 degree from Haumea. As differentiated from the New Moon, when retrograde Mercury was a part of this configuration, at the Full Moon it is the Sun and Moon that highlight the squares these planets make to Pluto. The unusual lunations of October therefore make for a one-two punch of transformation, which, combined with the continued Uranus presence from the New Moon, and the telling Mercury Retrograde presence in the Full Moon configuration, in close opposition to Chiron, indicates this month to be a terrifically powerful one of significant changes coming down. We all have the choice with these extremely potent New Moon and Full Moon configurations to either duck for cover or else take a stand for the new phase of existence that is trying to be born within us.

Another prominent feature of this month is that we have three planets stationing direct. transformational Pluto stations on October 6th, followed by sober Saturn on the 10th and expansive Jupiter on the 18th.  During the week before and the week after these social or outer planet stations (either direct or retrograde), that planet’s influence becomes heightened.  As indicated earlier, Pluto in Capricorn spells out the tumultuous process of evolutionary changes for us all individually, as well as transforming existing societal structures, ideally moving toward systems of sustainability and a viable legacy for future generations. Saturn in Aquarius speaks to us of prioritizing humanitarian and personal responsibility in the context of an evolving society.  Jupiter in Aquarius brings us the gift of inspiration to innovate, problem-solve, and expand our perspectives on all this, yet can also amplify the negative impact of rapidly advancing technology on human consciousness and the environment. We are in the stew of massive cultural change, no doubt about it, and no real way around it, and it is our duty, our challenge, and our opportunity that we do what we can to make the best of this climactic year and decade.

In closing, what do we as individuals, attempting to find our footing, need to do now? How are we to proceed, and what are we to make of these massive astrological influences coming down upon us, and all of humanity, in these powerful closing months of the climactic 2021 year? The answer to these questions lies inside each of us. We can be guided by the astrological indications, but most importantly by the depths of our own intuitions, as we face the strong political currents of our times. We must somehow, each of us, rise to this crucial moment and remain fearless, striking a blow when we can for what we feel deep down is right. In this we must forge ahead, not letting ourselves be dissuaded by any form of propagandistic posturing or denial of our rights as human beings, as future citizens of an emerging and more fair and equality-focused social order. We do this not only for ourselves but for the generations to come, and for the evolutionary mandate that we share with all of Nature, to evolve and adapt or to perish.

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