A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation

A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month has the distinction of many aspects pointing toward the ongoing Eris-Pluto square at the 24-degree mark of Aries and Capricorn, supported at the time of the September 6th New Moon by Jupiter in the same degree of Aquarius, Mars at the same 24-degree mark of Virgo, and Venus- Haumea at 25 and 27 degrees of Libra. Meanwhile, the New Moon takes place at 14 Virgo 38 while Uranus resides at 14 Taurus 40, a mere 2 minutes of a degree away from a perfect trine. That trine aspect from the New Moon to Uranus might be considered supportive, but with Uranus involved, anything goes. We might therefore look for surprising events and startling revelations on the way to this month’s massive structural transformation, as symbolized by Pluto in Capricorn remaining in that T-square with Eris in Aries opposed to Venus- Haumea in Libra. This New Moon indeed packs a wallop, and these outer planet placements have already been active since the recent Full Moon that took place in the last degree of Aquarius, so that things are already showing up in the headlines that reflect the incipient disorder in each of our own psyches. There is always a certain degree of chaos with Pluto; a wise man once remarked in connection with this that that such disarray was part and parcel of the regenerative death-and-rebirth cycle. “Do not dwell on the chaos,” he said, “but await the birth,” and that is good advice for us all just now.

Besides the Pluto emphasis there is also the Venus in Libra situation with the New Moon, indicating that all of our relationships may be in something if a stew as well, as the new lunation cycle takes hold for the last three weeks of September. There is the transformational influence provided by Eris and Pluto acting upon that Venus position, and then there is the supportive trine from Jupiter in Aquarius, so that there is a ray of optimism to be factored in also. In general we are being asked by the universe to take ourselves and our relationships as more spiritually serious in this time. Humanity is at a cross-roads after all, and the only way out would seem to be that we step up our level of kindness and our acceptance of each other. This is which the more gentle influence of Haumea, representing Nature as spiritual path, might be attempting to tell us.

Mars in the picture of this New Moon is also somewhat cautionary, being in close same-degree aspect to Pluto, another trine. This is good for get up and go – but we will also want to recognize that even with the aspect being a trine, Mars with Pluto is also a cosmic signature for represed anger exploding to the surface, and there is usually plenty of that to go around. We will want to be more cautious than usual, even, with all our friends and relations. Words uttered in anger can be damaging, and there is no real way, once uncorked, to put the mixture back in the bottle. Although, forwarned is, as they say, forearmed.

Mercury is also in strange states, getting ready to retrograde the last weekend of the month, on the 26th. When you take the timing of the retrograde shadow into effect, when Mercury is recovering its lost Zodical longitude, there are about five weeks to be dealt with, lasting all the way through the entire month of October. During this time we will all likely experience the usual symptoms of missed connections and mechanical breakdown. This is considered as well a valuable time of introspection, when much of significance can be gleaned by looking to the inside.

In all this as well, it is good to mention the prominence of Eris, Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention. There is a dark side to Eris as well, and unmxed with higher purpose she can be difficult. Prominent as she is in these lunations, especially this one of Monday, September 6th, the hope is that we will all, including our leaders, be able to take the high road. There is a way that kindness and good intentions can save us, both individually and collectively, and it is past time for beginning to take that approach to all of our many issues.

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