A New Moon of Inner Initiative

A New Moon of Inner Initiative

Saturday’s New Moon has some very interesting astrological features, all pointing to it’s being time to begin doing some serious interior work. For one thing, this New Moon takes place in inner-oriented Pisces, and square to Mars in the last degree of Sagittarius, just before Mars enters Capricorn that same morning. This implies studied activity in...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Difficult Yet Optimistic Evolution

A Last Quarter Moon of Difficult Yet Optimistic Evolution

Friday morning’s Last Quarter Moon presents a revised vision of the outer planet themes that have been present in the astrology all this year, most especially as revealed in the New Moon eclipse from mid-February that began the current cycle. These have been difficult for us to navigate, and yet also exciting, to the extent that we can rise above obstacles...

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Full Moon in Virgo: Finding True North

Full Moon in Virgo: Finding True North

The Full Moon is a time of culmination in the lunar cycle when the metaphoric seeds that were planted at the New Moon have grown and blossomed and are now bearing fruit ready for harvest. The Full Moon in Virgo, opposite the Sun, still swimming through Pisces, brings our awareness to the processes of purification, our orientation in tending to life’s nitty...

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A First Quarter Moon of Restriction and Redemption

A First Quarter Moon of Restriction and Redemption

Friday’s First Quarter Moon in Gemini echoes many of the themes of the recent and quite powerful New Moon eclipse configuration from one week ago. Moreover, this lunar phase represents a natural growth process from the timing of the New Moon energy, a “crisis of action” as seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar chose to express it. In this...

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Happy Pisces Season!

Happy Pisces Season!

The Sun moves through mutable water sign of Pisces from February 18 until March 20, 2018. We affectionately refer to this window of time each year as “Pisces Season.” It is also the time when we wish all of our Pisces Sun Sign folks a warm Happy Birthday!! About the Pisces Archetype: Pisceans are friendly and likable, and yet can be very...

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