Happy Scorpio Season!!

Happy Scorpio Season!!

Happy Birthday, Scorpio!! Today the Sun moves into your sign... Period: October 23 - November 21 Mode: Fixed Element: Water Ruling Planets: Mars and Pluto House Ruled: Eighth Polarity: Negative Most Compatible: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn Least Compatible: Aquarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini Opposite Sign: Taurus Scorpio is the most intense sign of...

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A First Quarter Moon of Creativity and Connection

A First Quarter Moon of Creativity and Connection

Tuesday afternoon's First Quarter Moon, taking place later in the evening for Europe and points further east, represents a surprising and dynamic configuration, in keeping with all of the powerful lunations that we have recently seen, the most recent featuring the highlighted presence of trickster Uranus. A sense of the inherent limitations built into our approach...

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The Cycles of Venus: Feminine Power Dramatically on the Rise

The Cycles of Venus: Feminine Power Dramatically on the Rise

Venus has been a prominent influence in these late summer and early fall months, particularly with her retrograde journey from late July through early September, and as such we are encountering themes of relationship, value, and self-worth. Venus has recently entered Virgo, as of October 8th, after four months spent almost entirely in Leo, due to her recent...

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A New Moon of Shock and Epiphany

A New Moon of Shock and Epiphany

Monday afternoon's New Moon in Libra is notable for several reasons, chiefly because it takes place in almost exact opposition to the trickster and enlightening energy of Uranus in Aries, less than one degree away from exact. This makes for a powerful presence of Uranus, not only for this day, but also for the month ahead. We may well see an upsurge in surprises...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Understanding, Growth and Change

A Last Quarter Moon of Understanding, Growth and Change

Sunday afternoon's Last Quarter Moon represents a fitting follow-up to last month's solar eclipse, which featured the transformational energies of all three major outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These numinous archetypal symbols are trans-personal in their nature, helping us to grow beyond previous limitations, and to become more aware of where necessary...

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