Happy Birthday Aries!!

Happy Birthday Aries!!

Today the Sun Moves into the sign of Aries. ABOUT Aries: Period: March 21 - April 19 Mode: Cardinal Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Mars House Ruled: First Polarity: Positive Most Compatible: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius Least Compatible: Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio Opposite Sign: Libra Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and...

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Uranus Square Pluto: The Evolution Continues

Uranus Square Pluto: The Evolution Continues

Today, March 16th, 2015, the much-referenced square between Uranus and Pluto makes its 7th exact aspect, the final one for this decade.  While today at 6:51PM PDT is the moment of exact, it may be more appropriate to view this aspect as a long and arduous process of awakening that is unfolding on an individual and global level, and has...

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A Profoundly Formative and Challenging Last Quarter Moon

A Profoundly Formative and Challenging Last Quarter Moon

Friday morning's Last Quarter Moon is an interesting configuration, bringing the signs of Pisces, for the Sun, and Sagittarius, for the Moon, into greater connection by virtue of the creative tension of the square between them. This phase also indicates a re-invigoration of consciousness in a new and slightly different direction, as we reflect on and act in accord...

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An Angst-Ridden and Redemptive Full Moon

An Angst-Ridden and Redemptive Full Moon

Thursday morning's Full Moon is a powerful configuration, strongly aspecting Uranus and Pluto in the month that they come to the final perfection of their difficult square. This week we therefore get another taste of what we have already been experiencing and are most decidedly in the midst for the early going of this climactic year. This is nothing less than a...

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Venus with Uranus and Pluto: A Graceful Courage

Venus with Uranus and Pluto: A Graceful Courage

Tomorrow, March 4th, the lovely lady Venus is getting supercharged from many directions, as she is making exact aspects to Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and connection, currently strolling through the sign of Aries, tomorrow becomes exactly conjunct with Uranus, the planet of revolution. Your relating style or artistic expression...

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