Pisces Horoscope for April 2022

Pisces Horoscope for April 2022

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is one of expanding identity issues and personal transformation, Pisces. This is in the midst of contemplation on the more concrete and materially resourced factors of your existence. It’s an interesting contrast of physical and non-physical considerations. The Aries New Moon that begins the April month takes place in your resources sector, implying a focus on finances that might also include deliberations on the way you deal with these and their impact on your life. You might perhaps come to the conclusion that bank book concerns are overrated as contributions to your overall satisfaction. There are other forms of resource and support that are very much alive to you as you go through a potentially trying time of reviewing where exactly you might be going and to what end. In any case, transformation is the key, and going willingly is half the battle, as well as staying open to possibility. You have going also a very nice internal recognition of your intrinsic value to the world and to yourself, making for a pleasant and joyful attitude while recognizing the necessity for changes to also be made.

The following was written by Leslie Benson and Henry Seltzer. The usual column by Elodie St-Onge Abut will return.

The New Moon in Aries kicks off this month in the early morning hours of the 1st, stoking your motivations and passion. This New Moon is just a degree away from Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and highlights themes around healing processes for the whole lunar cycle. This may activate areas where you feel out of tune with your relationship to money or the material realm in general, but also provides openings for healing around these matters. With Uranus also in the picture, there may be surprising insights or events around this time.

Because Pluto is also featured in the New Moon configuration, being aspected by Sun, Moon, and Chiron, this activates a long-term process of transformation that has been churning in your dreams and aspirations, but also shines light on your relationship with resources and finances.

Around the 4th and 5th, you may be feeling some inexplicable tension or anxiety as Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius. Perhaps you’ve been feeling called lately to a more introspective place, examining and assessing the structures of your life. Around this time, you may come into contact with subconscious beliefs that tend to dull your shine, but also a strong intuitive urge to innovate and break through the limitations that hold you back from what you truly desire. It is also on the 5th that Venus strides into her place of exaltation in your own sign of Pisces, and provides a cushion of softness to buffer where the energy feels hard or rough. She invites you into remembrance of your own beauty, worth, as well as the tenderness of your heart.

Beginning two days later on, the big banner event this month takes place in your sign of Pisces. Jupiter makes a conjunction with Neptune from the 7th to the 16th, which might be particularly special because they are both in the sign of their rulership. This being in your sign, you may have a heightened experience of the rays of hope and joy this can shine into your world. This conjunction is beautiful in many ways, bringing elements of spiritual connection, compassion, and expansive vision. There is, however, a magnifying effect that comes with this transit, so along with the delightful things, if there are aspects of yourself that you feel out of tune with, or ways you get down on yourself, those things may feel louder, now, too. The homework is to receive the goodness as it arises and also tend lovingly to the areas of where you may struggle with self-worth and self-image.

On Saturday, April 16th, the Libra Full Moon calls in the winds of change, as the Sun and Moon make a T-square to Pluto. This continues the process of your transformation for your visions and future plans, and also for your societal contribution. The lunar cycle of the April month is also all about your resources and finances, and at this stage, the effect on this area from important others.

The end of the month has no shortage of excitement as Venus approaches her conjunction with first Neptune on the 27th, and then with Jupiter on the 30th, all in Pisces, which also coincides with the commencement of Eclipse Season!

Highlighting many of the aforementioned topics, the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, the very last day of the month, also brings with it a burst of energy around embodied learning, and your somatic awareness. You’ve likely been in a process of awakening to your unique ways of learning and communicating, and this eclipse may provide some major flashes of insight around these topics. Eclipses are intense and bring about big changes, and can often produce a feeling of anxiety or exhaustion. As such you may wish to carve out extra time around this period to calm and soothe your nervous system, get plenty of rest, and nourish your body with good food and movement.

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