Pisces Horoscope for March 2022

Pisces Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is an exciting and rewarding one for you, Pisces, when you find yourself in the midst of major revitalization. The powerful New Moon in your sign on March 2nd signals a time of scintillating social presence and also indicates that you are currently coming into a better understanding of your own identity and self-concept. This first half of March is largely one of self-focus, concentrated additionally on your career and future plans, as well as your societal contribution. You may find that inner work is also a necessary correlate. What you are seeking as you grow and transform is a more total integration of all your parts, and a way to take seriously and act upon your deepest principles as part of all that you do. After the Full Moon in your opposite sign taking place on March 18th, issues of self and other add to the mix of energies already described. All and all, this is an amazing month for progress of all kinds, especially when you can take the integration of your inner and outer worlds more fully into account.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in your sign at nearly the very beginning of March, taking place on the 2nd, is a fantastic opportunity to set intentions around your most ambitious goals. You can permit yourself to dream big and aim high. This New Moon is also conjunct Jupiter, the planet associated with expansion, faith, and optimism, and your traditional ruler. This is not a time to undermine yourself or what you contribute to the world. You may have the right amount of vision and ingenuity to bring about important changes or upgrades wherever you focus your attention. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at the time of the New Moon could point to self-limiting beliefs or fears that keep you stuck in old frameworks. You may have an opportunity in March to release feelings of alienation or separateness so that you can more fully connect with others. The New Moon in Pisces receives a supportive sextile from Uranus in Taurus which may help upgrade your thinking and bring about innovative ideas in the weeks ahead. Meanwhile, the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn may highlight important power dynamics at play in your social sphere. You may feel passionate about a cause but passions could easily get blown out of proportion. Belonging could also be an important theme in March and showing up authentically could help you align with the people that can support your dreams. Overall, the New Moon in Pisces may bring a powerful and revitalizing influence that could bring radically new opportunities in the months ahead.

Mars and Venus are still following each other closely, entering the sign of Aquarius late on the evening of the 5th. Important unconscious patterns connected to your desires and passions may surface while these two are transiting here for the next month. You may also feel a certain amount of tension between what is expected from you and what you can give at this time. Your desires could be colored by a certain amount of idealization and it may be harder to feel fulfilled.

The second week of March could be extremely creative especially if you make room for unrestricted explorations. Mercury enters your sign and will be transiting there until the 27th meaning you may be able to draw a bridge between your head and heart more easily in the weeks ahead. The Sun meets with boundary-melting Neptune, also your ruler, on the 12th and 13th, making the second weekend of March an excellent time for spiritual, artistic, and healing modalities. There may be a lot of inspiration floating around. You may feel a greater sense of connection with the whole. It might be wise to write down a few of your ideas at this time, otherwise, you may coast through this dreamy interlude without anything tangible to remind you of what you’ve experienced.

The Full Moon culminating in the sign of Virgo on the 18th may illuminate a partnership dynamic or help integrate important relational themes. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo and presides over this Full Moon from the sign of Pisces while also receiving a sextile from Uranus in Taurus. You could have inspiring conversations with close friends that help you make sense of your feelings. It might be a good time to express your thoughts genuinely so that others can better understand your perspectives or give you the support that you need. The Full Moon in Virgo receives a trine from Pluto in Capricorn. It could be easier to get to the bottom of difficult emotions at this time allowing you to integrate them more consciously.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Aries may gradually emphasize your financial situation and the resources that are available to you at this time. You might have a lot of inspiring projects in the works and you may need to spend the next few weeks working on a budget to see what is feasible. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces in the second half of March could bring optimism and faith that could be directed towards some of your most ambitious ideas. Your enthusiasm could make the difference between failure or success at this time. However, it could be wise to run your ideas by a trusted friend just to make sure they are feasible, especially as Mercury is also conjunct Neptune on the 23rd creating the potential for distortion.

On the 27th, Mercury entering the sign of Aries, corresponding to your sector of values and resources, could start to bring a better perspective on the viability of a project. You may have to assess the pros and cons of your current trajectory to make sure that your investments can pay off in the long run. You may start to realize more acutely the implications of birthing an ambitious vision into the world and the sacrifices that could be required. The conjunction between Venus and Saturn in Aquarius on March 28th may allow a more honest look at your desires so that you can align yourself more clearly with what you truly want at this time.

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