Pisces Horoscope for February 2022

Pisces Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is an exciting and a potentially stressful time, Pisces, due to the transformational pressures upon you with regard to your societal interaction. You are very self-involved at this time, but in a good way. In your fundamental quest for development you are attempting to get to the heart of who you are – your deepest and most authentic values. This currently involves exploring the inner reaches of your psyche through dreams or internal dialog and journaling. Your learning curve is steep, but rewarding in the same degree. After the February 16th Full Moon, you are attempting to discern what the universe is trying to tell you about your most authentic societal involvement, through the agency of intimate partners and your own intuitions from higher Self. If this seems inconsequential compared to making a living, it is not; rather, the reverse is true. Everything that you can do to solve the mystery of your existence, of who you are deep inside and your purpose in this lifetime, will contribute directly to your sense of peace and happiness, now and in weeks and months to come.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of February begins with a New Moon in Aquarius at its very beginning. The Sun and Moon are joined by Saturn and square Uranus in Taurus which may prompt you to take stock of the previous year in order to release outmoded patterns and make space for a new version of yourself to emerge. This could feel like a more introspective period when you are challenged to revise some of your old assumptions or deeply held beliefs about what you thought you wanted in order to assess what’s actually possible. You may be looking for tangible ways in which you can apply your skills and your know-how while bringing your contribution to this ever changing world. You may wrestle with perceived or real limitations and a powerful desire to move beyond them. Jupiter transiting in Pisces until mid-May brings a buoyant and optimistic energy that can be extremely beneficial for launching yourself towards new goals. February may demand that you first clarify your aims before setting sails towards new seas and this liminal period could serve as a resting point that allows you to catch up with your breath and survey your inner world. You may feel a profound longing for community and belonging that is not easily found at this time. However, you know in your heart that the dreams of today could become the reality of tomorrow and your sense of faith may be stronger than ever.

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn near the beginning of the month, on the 3rd, where it continues to emphasize a changing paradigm in your community and in relation to your ideals. Action-oriented Mars in Capricorn sextile broad-minded Jupiter in Pisces from the 3rd to the 5th encouraging you to trust your intuition at this time. However, with Saturn conjunct the Sun in Aquarius on the same day, you may still have to wrestle with some deep-rooted fears that threaten to derail your inner resolve. The First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 8th could bring a strong incentive to share your ideas more openly in order to get moving on them and hopefully gain the support of your trusted allies.

Mercury re-entering Aquarius on the 14th could bring an opportunities to refine something you’ve been thinking about since the beginning of the year. The answers may come when you tune out the noise and focus on what’s essential for you at this time.

The days surrounding the Full Moon in Leo on the 16th could bring an emphasis on your health and the way you’ve been taking care of your body. Things you’ve been neglecting with regards to your well-being could be more obvious and it’s a good time to break with a bad habit. The Full Moon squares the Nodes which are now in Taurus and Scorpio and you may become aware of the challenges you face in relation to a particular idea. You may feel like you stand on a liminal threshold between an old version of yourself and something new on the verge of emerging. Venus and Mars in Capricorn are visible together before sunrise on the morning of the 14th onward, which may emphasize your values and ideals in a big way. Your desire to participate to bring your participation to a community may be aroused at this time and you may seek the proper outlet for your ideals. The opportunities to clarify your aims and regain a sense of direction gets a lot easier on the other side of the Full Moon.

Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus in the Full Moon and in the days following, and this brings a dynamic influence that may make it feel easier to bring incremental progress into your life at this time. There could be a lot of information, together with novel ideas, coming your way and your curiosity will be sparked more easily by people who expose you to different ways of living. Don’t shy away from exchanging ideas with the people around you as your mind could be stimulated by new information and original thinking.

The Sun enters your sign on the 18th of February, bringing a comfortable period of time during Pisces season, when the focus shifts to you and your good vibes indicating your time to shine. The Sun in Pisces could represent a time when your ability to express yourself and connect with others flow more easily after a period of feeling disconnected.

The last full week of February is colored by Mars and Venus, still closely conjunct in Capricorn, coming together into a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This may bring a tremendous amount of inspiration but also perhaps a more disconnected or confused energy. You might feel sensitive to the hardship of others without knowing exactly how to take direct action, or you may hold a guiding principle in your mind without knowing precisely how to actualize it at this time. Focusing on what feels truly important at this time could help you anchor or ground your vision for a better world.

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