Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2016

Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a time of great power for you, Sagittarius, due to many factors, leading you toward a further manifestation, sooner or later, of the profound series of transformational changes of which these times are redolent. This is true for nearly everyone in some way, and for you in particular. There is a focus on commitment to your path, in the midst of a radical transformation of values, and on making your way in the world with verve and passion. You have so much energy at your disposal now, coming from your inner reaches and manifesting in public works, and rewarded by the accolades of career, that you do well to choose your direction wisely. In a month that takes you farther toward your goals than ever before, you have a strong energy as well for communicating your truth to others and, through so doing, for learning to appreciate new facets of your actual circumstance.

As the month begins, you are coming at the world from deep places within you, and benefit by acknowledging this subtle and yet inescapable fact. The surface events of your life, and the responses that you make, depend on inner matters to a far greater degree than you are perhaps willing to give full credence to. It is possible that inner wounding could come up, and somewhat derail your move toward where your deep-seated intentionality is leading you. This has the beneficial effect of encouraging you to begin confronting these facets of your inner world head-on, ultimately resulting in better acceptance regarding the dark and hidden places within you.

You may find as well that there is a tug-of-war going on inside you. You are caught up in the impulse to forge ahead with the major metamorphosis that is such a powerful fact of life for you now. Alternatively you could exhibit a natural resistance, depending on your predilections, to any change whatsoever taking place within the structure of your life. There is educational value in either stance, and from the example of others, leading you to take the plunge over the waterfall of your own destiny, or else learning from observing the consequences of continuing to hold back. Your communicative outreach is a major factor for you now. The great potential is there for you to have deep conversations that will aid you in finding your way. Your fate is in some ways already sealed, for your higher self already knows the route that your individual destiny needs to follow; you have perfect free will, however, that directs the timing, now or later on, for your eventual denouement.

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