Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2016

Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2016

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have quite a lot going on right now, Sagittarius, as has been the case all this year. Your luck still holds. A prominent presence of your ruler Jupiter, located in your career sector, sparks your success-orientation. You might be in possession of public accolades flowing to you in buckets, recognizing that this positive factor has also largely been achieved by good old-fashioned hard work. Your communication skills are excellent right now, in spite of the serious cast of many of your observations. It is easy to get distracted by all this wonderful outer-world success, causing you to ignore private issues that have perhaps been gnawing at you from the sidelines of your attention. And yet these must factor in as well toward your triumph or you risk a hollow victory that leaves out what might ultimately count as your most important result.

As the month begins, you are finding emotional security in taking care of the myriad of details that you lately have to contend with, in terms of making it all happen in the hard-and-fast realities of the physical plane. You might be feeling that you barely get time to breathe, and much less to really feed your soul, or any other way to describe the nourishment you need, for what is transpiring for you in the profoundly mystical realms that lie within. These are of vital importance to you now as well, and it pays you to take proper recognition of this simple and inescapable fact. The Sun at the nadir of your chart symbolizes the unseen areas within you, deep inner commitments where you discover grounding and security, and where you most feel at home, psychologically speaking.

With the powerful solar eclipse New Moon taking place in the beginning of the second week of the month in your sector of home and family, this significant factor of your life experience might come to more completely dominate your thoughts and activities. Then, too, with Mars crossing into your sign just before this timing, during the weekend of March 5th and 6th, you are feeling incredibly action-oriented. Your intuition is extremely active now as well, and leads you to consider, as you plunge ahead toward further outer world success, your most profound inner needs and true goals. This is something of a paradox and a conundrum. The American poet Robert Frost perhaps put this complex issue the best, when he wrote, that "Only when love and need are one/ And the work is play for mortal stakes/ Is the deed ever really done/ For heaven and the future's sakes."

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