Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a reflective time for you, Sagittarius, when much is hidden, and when you are reconsidering all aspects of your creative self-expression. There is not much happening in public, although there is everything going on below the surface. You are earnestly attempting to understand how you might be able to advance. Regarding this evolution in the making, you can palpably feel its presence even though your next steps seem to elude you. There may be a way that you have fully articulated the inner vision that drives you. Your depths are calling you to search beneath the covers of your personal motivation in order to discern your deepest values and commitment, and to act only on these. You are eager for progress of a distinctly spiritual kind, so that one factor here might be to carefully assess the inner wounds and constraints that block you from being the best version of yourself that you can be.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April gets started just after a Full Moon in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and wishes for the future, emphasizing the importance of your social life, who you are spending your time with, and how your social life shares in or diverges from your long-term dreams and goals right now.

The month also begins just as Mars and Saturn are conjoining in Capricorn in your second house of finances and resources. Mars is exalted, and Saturn is in its rulership, so this is quite a powerful transit, indicating that you are working hard right now to build your assets, pay off debt, save up for a significant purchase, or consolidate your existing resources. This is a hard-working transit, but due to the presence of Saturn the results or returns may take a while, so be patient. You are naturally a free-spirit, but you are also competitive. Stick to whatever you are working on right now, and don’t give up or quit. Most goals in life require commitment over a long period of time, and the sooner we accept this the easier it is to find the joy in whatever we’re doing. This transit will intensify quite a bit as Venus in Taurus in the sixth house of labor, health issues, and service will make trines to Saturn and Mars in Capricorn between April 7th and 11th, perhaps bringing some early returns or some help or assistance to whatever you’re working toward.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in the fifth house of children, pregnancy, creativity, and pleasure, will make a square to Pluto in the second house of finances, money, and resources. Your children may need your financial help right now, or there might be expenses related to children, in general. You might be reconsidering how you spend your money, or specifically how you spend your money for the sake of fun or enjoyment. This transit is highly transformative, and so if there is anything you are doing in the name of fun or pleasure that is costing you too much, on any level, expect to be confronting these habits and finding healthier ways of enjoying life. This is also a transit that speaks to the need to transform something in general in relation to your finances, so be open to the suggestions the Universe is giving you right now.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your fifth house, exact just days after a New Moon in Aries on April 15th. This is a fun, creative, unpredictable, and potentially unruly moment for you. Expect the unexpected. Expect to have some fun or to explore a new avenue of creative self-expression or performance and be careful not to overdo it or burn any bridges. This year you must be very careful about overdoing things with Jupiter in your twelfth house in Scorpio.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in the sixth house of labor, health issues, and service, is opposing Jupiter in your twelfth house of isolation and self-undoing. Doesn’t sound great, right? Planets in these places tend to inspire positive changes or personal healing, which can be very challenging, but they also inspire us to give our time and energy in service to others who are suffering in the world. You should be especially careful of gossip or high drama in your relationships around this time. With your ruling planet, Jupiter, in the twelfth house most of the year, it’s very important that you explore your shadows this year. Remember that whatever challenges you may face they are also preparing you for a season of rebirth that is coming toward the end of this year, when Jupiter enters its home sign, and your first house, for a year to come!

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in your second house of finances, echoing the same financial themes we covered at the start of the month. This is another moment of catharsis and change in relation to your time, money, energy, and resources. Be careful and don’t let your desires or impulses take you into any agreements, purchases, or investments of time or energy that will harm you more than help you in the long run. For the next few years, Saturn will be working with you in your second house and you will be growing and maturing greatly with regard to your resources, energy, and finances.


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