Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in the midst of major changes, Sagittarius, although not much is showing at the surface layers of your personality. Your task is therefore to more fully identify and communicate with all that you hold inside. As you emerge from a thoughtful time that has you questioning the way in which you present yourself to the world around you, the very essence of your creativity, following the powerful Aries New Moon from the middle of April, you are exploring new avenues of expression, and seeking a more complete foundational concept, a place to stand that you can call entirely your own. In the second half of the month this sense of your mission of service to the surrounding collective becomes greatly intensified. Partners help you to advance to your next stage, as inner and outer come together into a more integrated whole.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month of May is the most potent month of 2018, due to the entrance of Uranus into Taurus after spending the past eight years in the sign of Aries. Uranus will move into Taurus and enter your sixth house on May 15th, coinciding with a New Moon in Taurus and the simultaneous ingress of Mars into Aquarius in your third house. Let’s look at these transits in-depth.

Since May of 2010, the planet Uranus has been working its way through your fifth house of creative self-expression, pregnancy, and children. The planet Uranus is an awakener, a rebel, and inventor. Uranus disrupts, shocks, and liberates, as it breaks the mold, challenges what is old or traditional, and insists upon progress and greater independence. In the fierce, Fire sign of Aries, Uranus in your fifth house has therefore been emphasizing the radical need for personal self-expression, pleasure-seeking, and creativity for quite a while now. Uranus in the fifth house may also emphasize the topic of children, of challenges with children and authority, or the qualities of youthfulness, joy, and rebellion in general. However, all of this is changing now as Uranus is leaving the fifth house and entering your sixth.

The sixth house was traditionally called the “joy of Mars,” and it was also called “mala fortuna,” which meant “bad fortune.” Sounds fun, right? The reason for this is that planets in the sixth house have just set, and though by their secondary motion they are gazing longingly into the “upper world,” desiring, as it were, to return to the visible realm, it is their destiny to fall farther downward. For this reason, the sixth house was traditionally associated with all kinds of chronic difficulties. For example, the sixth house was associated with hard labor, slavery, and sickness, as well as military training and warfare. It was also associated with surgery and the treatment of illness, and today we also more optimistically associate the sixth house with the spirit of service to the world. Uranus, the great awakener and liberator, entering your sixth house is a planet that will therefore awaken within you the need to serve others, to fight for what you believe to be right in the world, and to address your own wounds or chronic illnesses. Uranus entering the sixth house may also awaken and create greater spiritual freedom over the coming years by provoking a healing crisis. This may sound bleak, but the truth is that we are born into this world to evolve and grow, spiritually, and if we avoid this work, then sometimes transits like this come along to remind us that the work isn’t optional. On the other hand, when we are proactive with Uranus in the sixth house, then we are inspired to make rapid and inspiring changes to further our health and wellness on all levels, potentially even reaching out to serve others in the same capacity. One thing is for sure, the fifth house era of Uranus is ending, and as it does so there is a much more serious and hard-working energy coming into your life. As a Sagittarius, the best way to avoid this feeling heavy or difficult is to find your faith and commit yourself fully to the process, no matter what challenging circumstances may arise.

As Uranus enters your sixth house and leaves the sign of Aries, it’s worth mentioning that just last month, on April 17th, the planet Chiron entered Aries and will spend the next eight years or more in your fifth house. This is a fascinating planetary sequence because Chiron is the “wounded healer.” Chiron deals with our wounds and the wisdom related to them, and Chiron is a significantly more grounded planetary energy compared to Uranus. You are therefore simultaneously entering an era where there is going to be a tremendous opportunity for personal healing related to children and pregnancy, creativity and the arts, and your general relationship to pleasure and joy. If your version of personal happiness involves anything that is excessive or self-destructive, expect that Chiron will start working with you to heal this type of compulsion. If you work too hard and take everything too seriously, or if you struggle with a bad temper, Chiron in Aries will be inviting you to find healing and softness, ease and joy. You may also be ready for a new teacher, mentor, or healer to enter your life, or you might be embodying that role for others right now. Just remember, as a Sagittarius, you are at your best when you are both carefree and wise at the same time.

Finally, the same day that Uranus is moving into Taurus, May 15th, there is also a New Moon in Taurus, thus in your sixth house, and the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the brand-new energy of Uranus moving into your sixth house of service, sickness, and labor. Meanwhile, Mars entering your third house of communication, learning, siblings, and short travel points to a dynamic moment related to how you think and perceive, how you communicate, teach or learn, or possibly your siblings, short journeys, or neighbors. The ingress of Mars will be directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your sixth house. It’s therefore truly a dynamic month, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly powerful time!

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