Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are voyaging this month to strange and mystical places, Sagittarius, while pondering the impact of partnership in your life. A magical connection with the universe exposes lower layers of your psyche, enhancing your understanding of yourself, deep down. Multifaceted ideas add to the input of trusted others in forging a new way of going at the world. You are somewhat blocked in economic planning and accomplishment, but also dedicated to taking the long view on these matters. After the mid-month New Moon in your opposite sign, it is all about relationship. You are perhaps more assiduously taking account of how your own inner wounding has been a factor in holding you back from exploring intimacy issues that can now be faced more squarely. Your self-expression has lately tended toward finding your deepest values and acting upon these and these alone, and as the month progresses this becomes even clearer, leading to a strong intention for service to others.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s another intense month for everyone. Coming right on the heels of Uranus’ entrance into the sign of Taurus, corresponding to your sixth house of service, and the workplace, with surprise events and unexpected enlightenment running rampant in this area, Mars is now preparing to turn retrograde in Aquarius in late June. There is also a lot happening prior to this transit, so let’s break down the big transits ahead.

Between June 5th and 6th, Venus in Cancer in your eighth house of shared resources will be moving through an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in your second house of personal values and resources. It’s an intense moment of exploration, healing, and transformation in your relationships right now, with an emphasis on themes of independence versus dependence, or unhealthy co-dependency versus healthy sharing and caring for one another’s needs. It’s also a great time to consider making some needed changes around your own personal values or finances.

At nearly the same time, between June 6th and 7th, the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Gemini in your seventh house of love and relationships, and simultaneously square to Neptune in your fourth house of home, family, and property. Be careful of miscommunication, deception, or delusions in both your relationships and on the home front right now. At the same time, don’t be surprised if there are opportunities for healing dialogue in the same areas. For as confident, faithful, and upbeat as you are, Sagittarians sometimes forget to truly and deeply listen to the needs, thoughts, and concerns of others. Be sure to slow down long enough to really feel and hear those you love right now. You may even have to read between the lines to really see what’s going on, but your patience and compassion will make this transit a much smoother experience overall.

On June 13th, the New Moon in Gemini will also land in your seventh house of love and relationships. At the same time, Mars will conjoin the South Node of the Moon in the third house of communication, the mind, and siblings. Here, again, we see themes of communication and relationships as the big highlight of the month. With Mars conjoining the South Node, you may also be exploring themes of power and powerlessness, anger and passion, tolerance and conviction. With Jupiter in your twelfth house since last October, you are in a period of your life where you must be very careful not to let your natural confidence and charisma get you into trouble. On the other hand, if you are struggling to keep the faith, then you may find a very deep level of assurance coming through right now, reminding you to stick to your truth, regardless of the doubts that might be surfacing.

Between June 14th and 15th, Venus in Leo in your ninth house of religion, higher beliefs, and long journeys will square Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. When we believe something very deeply, or when we feel that something is beautiful, noble, and true, its easy to take a stand or to defy the status-quo. This transit may have you fired up to work hard on behalf of something that you love or something that inspires you. On the other hand, you may easily get high on the power of your convictions right now, to the point of hurting others or acting insensitively.

On June 15th, Mercury in Cancer in your eighth house will oppose Saturn in Capricorn in your second house, once again emphasizing the tension between personal values or resources and shared values or resources. You might be exploring a new financial strategy, signing a contract, or trying to come to an agreement or understanding about some key value differences that you have with a partner. Synthesis is possible right now, but it will require both compassion and commitment from everyone.

On June 21st the Summer Solstice hits in the sign of Cancer, corresponding to your eighth house of intimacy and personal evolution, putting emphasis on this area. Because the Sun as it enters Cancer squares Chiron and sextiles Uranus, surprises and unexpected healing opportunities are more likely than not. On this same day, Venus in Leo in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys will oppose Mars in Aquarius in your third house of mind, communication, and siblings. Here you’ll likely find a high level of sexual or creative tension in your relationships. It’s a great moment for highly effective communication or sharing with others, but you should also stay on the watch for unhealthy power struggles or competition. Your mantra of the month: May I be as convicted and passionate about listening to others as I am passionate about sharing my own beliefs. Keep repeating this and you will grow exponentially!

June 23rd Mercury in Cancer in your eighth house is now opposing Pluto in Capricorn in your second house. This transit, like June 15th’s Mercury/Saturn dynamic, and the Summer Solstice of two days back, is once again highlighting the importance of deep, honest, authentic conversations around your values in relationships with others. The topics of money, finances, investments, debts, financial planning, and income are also highlighted all month long.

Then on June 25th, Venus in Leo in your ninth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your twelfth house. While this transit generally creates a very auspicious, expansive, and beautiful feeling, given Jupiter’s placement in the twelfth house there are also some important lessons to be learned around extravagance, pride, lust, or self-indulgence. The simplest message here is to be careful about overdoing things, even good things. On a more positive note, this transit may inspire you to find faith, beauty, and redemption amidst stories or themes of loss, sickness, grief, or confusion. There is perhaps nothing more uplifting than hearing the stories of survivors, saints, and great healers. This transit reminds you that your enthusiasm can be a balm to others in the world right now.

Finally, on June 27th, just as the Full Moon comes through and energizes everything, especially your values, finances, and your relationships, Mars turns retrograde just one day prior, in your third house of the mind, communication, and siblings, marking the start of a summer-long focus on these themes. You may well experience obstacles arising to test your patience around getting past obstacles that arise in money or intimacy. Regarding the Mars retrograde, you could be dwelling on themes such as: What does it mean to be passionate yet peaceful, convicted and charismatic yet tolerant, patient, and tactful' How do you get your point across without bulldozing others' How do you allow for and even learn to enjoy the challenging thoughts and perceptions of others' How do you learn to slow down and take a more mindful or discerning approach when you are feeling like flying high and moving fast' On the other hand, you might also be looking more deeply into your relationships with your siblings this summer, or figuring out new modes of communication, technology, or learning. Whatever the case might be, remember that Mars takes a very long retrograde journey through your third house, lasting all summer, changing your mental flow and daring you to bring that together into a more perfect union with your heart.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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