Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a huge month for you, Sagittarius, the beginning of a very intense summer. This is in part because the recent Gemini New Moon, as well as the Capricorn Full Moon that preceded the beginning of July, and also the eclipses of July and August, all line up with significant houses in your solar chart, You will start the month with partnership concerns predominating, and these continue, with a twist to the inside, throughout the month and into August. You might feel almost stopped in your tracks by the predominance of Saturn in your second solar sector of resources – including financial ones – gradually easing after the 12th. In this timing, issues of intimacy and of personal evolution arise, putting things on a more mystical and soul-intentional basis, allowing you to accelerate your learning and growth curve to the extent that you can relax and go with the flow, concentrating your energies inward. You may find, indeed, that you are the one that you’ve been waiting for.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month’s astrology features two major eclipses, affecting you in terms of intimacy issues, and the continuation of Mars retrograde in your house of siblings, communication and curiosity, as well as a slew of other dynamic transits to boot!

The month gets kick-started on July 5th when Mercury in Leo in your ninth house opposes Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your third house. This transit connotes a strong mental focus which can have great advantages for you. You might also want to watch out for willful, aggressive, or even domineering communication dynamics, especially surrounding your beliefs and opinions, or within classrooms or learning environments. Although you are naturally passionate about your beliefs, and full of knowledge and charm, this transit might have a “foot in mouth” factor to it, requiring that you be careful of what you say and be careful of what kinds of arguments or debates you entertain. On the other hand your intellectual passion may spark enlightening studies of the hidden wellsprings of your inner nature.

Also on July 5th, the Sun in Cancer in your eighth house will trine Jupiter in Scorpio in your twelfth house, with Jupiter moving quite slowly, getting ready to turn direct on July 10th. The Sun’s trine to Jupiter marks the turning of the tide, the return or renewal of your faith, the beginning or culmination of a deep healing process, and a time of encouragement and emotional enthusiasm. Both the eighth and twelfth houses point us toward the exploration of unconscious material, dreams, and our inner psychic landscape. It’s not easy to for Sagittarians visit these deeper watery landscapes because you aren’t generally a fan of the emotional heaviness of these houses, but the hard work you put into your inner life pays off right now as the Sun/Jupiter trine is like a herald bringing reinforcements, relief, good luck, and support.

On July 9th Mercury in Leo in your ninth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your twelfth house. There is an aura of wisdom, faith, bravery and intelligence in the air, although you will want to be careful of bravado, arrogance, and exaggeration. You may be taking an interest in mystical or spiritual studies, or you might be craving to hear from mentors, elders, or teachers. Remember that the measure of a great truth is often whether the truth inspires one to serve, love, and care for others.

Then on July 12th the first eclipse arrives. The Sun will oppose Pluto in your second house as the New Moon (a solar eclipse) takes place in your eighth. This eclipse puts you into some very deep, emotional territory, while raising simultaneous questions about values, money, and resources. Watch for the transformation of personal values and finances or conflicts regarding personal values or finances in relationships, as well as the need to face your fears and shadows around these topics with greater vulnerability and sensitivity. The effects of this eclipse will be rippling through your life for many months to come, so don’t rush past this moment. Try to be as present and openhearted as you are free-spirited, and you will pass through this testing period with flying colors.

July 18th Mars conjoins the South Node of the Moon in Aquarius in your fourth house. It’s a great time for home renovation, purging or eliminating things from your home or property, or possibly even selling your home or relocating, but you should also be careful of going to extremes. This might also be a time when you are confronting ancestral shadows, or suffering from a degree of conflict or tension in your home or family of origin. These larger themes have been present for you much of the summer, and will continue to be as Mars continues its long sojourn through Aquarius.

On July 24th, Venus will oppose Neptune across your tenth and fourth house axis. During this brief time you might want to watch for themes of beauty and romance, creative distractions or divine downloads, also perhaps a taste of longing or lust. This is a fast-moving transit, but it brings an aura of otherworldly energy, sensuality, and sparkle. Be careful to keep good boundaries during this transit and be sure to use your discernment when considering whether to pursue something attractive that suddenly calls to you.

Finally, on July 27th the Sun in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius at the time of a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, across your 3rd and 9th house axis, while both are square to Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house. This eclipse features a conjunction of Moon to Mars in the third house of your mind, communication, technology, and learning. It’s not a bad moment to simplify or reduce mental clutter, time spent online, or to let go of obsessive thinking. You may also feel compelled to take a stand for what you deeply believe in, or to use your voice to address something that you feel excited about. The call to serve others by means of your mind and speech can be very strong, although remember that self-righteousness and anger rarely work, even in support of a noble cause. You benefit by using your will and your mind together constructively and allowing your ability to make a real impact in the world to dramatically increase.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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