Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2020

Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month for you, Sagittarius, as the current astrology reflects the amazing times that all of us are currently living through. There is a huge transformational component, which for you involves your resources and values. There is an emphasis now upon your physical environment, including your body, as well a finances, two factors that are somewhat under siege in these strange times. In this, the physical is supplanted by the spiritual – the sustenance that you will draw from meditative consideration of how to make the best of your situation by taking a positive view. Your future planning involves earth issues and the power of Nature to bring you peace. Character is everything, and is being built within you by your responses to the challenges of this pivotal year. As you feel into a renewed sense of life mission, you are more determined than ever to act upon your most deeply felt values. New revelations occur daily, if not hourly, and support an important focus now on your own creativity, independent of other voices.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with a powerful conjunction between your ruler, Jupiter, and Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect was triggered by Mars in the recent Aries New Moon that began the current cycle, and represents strong transformational energy that is very present in you this month, and that could also bring you the necessary focus you need to succeed. Your values, resources, and your finances are highlighted, and with determined efforts you might be able to get what you want. The results depend entirely on your goals and focus. Some bold moves could lead to financial success but you also need to have the proper planning. You could be obsessed with an idea and it could be difficult to keep a sense of proportion. There could also be a tendency to over-inflate a situation; it is terribly important to stay realistic at this time. Jupiter conjoined with Pluto is overall a supportive influence that should increase your resourcefulness. Also at the very beginning of April, Saturn and Mars conjoined in Aquarius in your third solar sector of learning and communication may bring concentrated efforts for written projects. You might be forced to revise logistics due to the current world instability. Utilizing social media platforms as a tool could be increasingly appealing, and this could generate revenue.

Venus enters your opposite sign of Gemini on April 3rd, where she will spend the next four months, due to her upcoming retrograde in early May. This will have the effect of highlighting your partnerships. You might be feeling quite social with the desire to bounce your ideas off someone for the benefit of additional perspectives. Your exchanges with others could feel stimulating, and, with the Sun still transiting in your creative sector of Aries, this could be an inspired time.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th continues to highlight your creative exchanges especially the ones taking place within your community. Your associations in a particular field could be brought up, and it could be a time of acknowledgement for your contribution. Your personal aspiration comes to the forefront which could shed some light on where you want to take your ideas next. Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the day of the Full Moon; pay attention to stressors and do not agree to more than you can handle right now. There could be unexpected surprises that quickly fill up your agenda so best to have some leeway.

Mercury enters Aries on the evening of April 10th, which should help inspiration and keep new ideas flowing. Mercury has spent the last two months in the ethereal waters of Pisces creating a period of internalization for you Sagittarians. However with Mercury entering Aries and moving into a trine aspect with natal planets in Sagittarius, you could find that your thinking speeds up considerably. The Sun leaves Aries and enters the sign of Taurus on April 19th turning your focus on organization and workflow. The Sun squares Saturn in Aquarius on the 21st bringing things to a halt. You might have to contend with a few roadblocks. The New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd brings innovative solutions but it could take some time before you are able to implement them. Your attention is on your everyday details, and there could be a lot to deal with. Expect to be busier with problem solving through back and forth communication, emails, and phone calls. The Sun transiting in Taurus is your cue to bring attention to your health and deal with stressors. Scheduling time to roam and be outside will work wonders. Creating free time in your day for pleasure and establishing healthier habits will make you more productive in the long run.

The last weekend of April, Mercury in Aries squares your ruler Jupiter in Capricorn while the Sun is conjoined Uranus in Taurus. This should feel stimulating and give you the ability to think outside the box. While this can be an enthusiastic time, there could also be errors in judgment. It’s important to pay attention to details now, as the tendency might be to rush things without proper consideration.

Overall though, the last week of the month should give you a sense of perspective and bring new opportunities. Mercury enters Taurus on April 27th and the First Quarter Moon takes place in the sign of Leo on April 30th. Your career, travels, and academia are potential topics that will come up. You might be considering teaching at this time or be asked to step into the role of a mentor. You also might be forced to find a practical format for a big vision you have. Expansion or progress will take longer than anticipated, as “the devil is in the details” and this might become more evident.

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