Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2020

Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2020

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is month represents another introspective journey for you, Sagittarius, with Mercury retrograding through a key sector of your solar chart, together with a transformational push regarding values and finances. You are summing up recent experience, attempting to see where it all might lead. The real answer is whatever takes you further along the path of the evolutionary development that is your birthright, where your higher Self has been guiding you, all along. The Mercury Retrograde process lasts until nearly the end of March, when you take its retrograde shadow into account. It is not a simple matter to look inside, and to detect by a subtle means of intuitional refinement what truly lies there, your rock bottom values. You are being tested in this endeavor over the period of this current monthly cycle, culminating in the powerful Aries New Moon of the 24th. The opening months of this year have been a potentially quite confusing time; you are emerging out of them however with a new mandate for growth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month begins with the First Quarter Moon in Gemini bringing polarizing tension in your relationships. You might feel the need to talk about recent issues that have come up at home or in your partnerships. Someone you share your life with might be asking for too much or it could be that your own needs are not being met. Whatever the situation, you could feel at a loss on how to unify elements that are pulling you in opposite directions. Your finances are also highlighted at the beginning of the month. It’s a good idea to assess what goes in and out of your bank account, and to structure your finances.

Venus enters Taurus on March 4th and signals a time when you will feel a greater need to take care of your body. Recent stressors might have left you feeling frazzled with a need to return to healthier habits. Venus’s transit in Taurus until April 3rd is your cue to get back in touch with your body and find ways to manage your stress. You might feel like experimenting with different health modalities and it could be a good time to do so.

On March 9th, the Full Moon in Virgo highlights your career and vocational pursuits. There is a certain level of pressure building up that could create anxiety. Your workload could feel like a burden as you try to fulfill all of your obligations. Learning to say no will help relieve some of the stress. It’s also a good time to clarify your career objectives as you reach this peak. Mercury stations direct in Aquarius later on that day and you might not be able to ignore the many phone calls and emails. Focusing on one task at a time will help you get through your list. The Sun and Neptune being currently conjunct in Pisces indicates that a situation at home or in your family could be hard to gage. There could be confusion with someone at home or in connection with your base of operations; it may be best to take a big picture viewpoint and let the details go. With your busy schedule, it might be hard to find the time you need to deal with it; however solutions are within reach.

The Last Quarter Moon occurs in your sign this month pressing you to focus on your needs. Your body is your vehicle and the recent pace of your life, your career, and relationship obligations have distracted you from taking care of it. You might want to book a massage, practice mindfulness, or find other ways to bring relaxation into your routine.

The Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 19th signalling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Fall Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun entering your fellow Fire sign of Aries will bring support for the month ahead. After some tension in your home or in your family life, the Sun in Aries will revitalize the part of your chart that deals with creativity and romance. You might still have to contend with some logistical issues in your domestic life. However, your attention is rapidly shifting on more pleasant and creative endeavors.

Mars conjoins Jupiter in Capricorn on the Equinox bringing positive news and expansion in the realm of your finances. Joint ventures could be paying off and there are excellent reasons to feel optimistic.

On March 21st, Saturn enters Aquarius until July for a brief sojourn before re-entering Aquarius officially in December. Pay attention to the themes coming up around the Equinox as they could be part of your story in the next two years. The future is calling this week and you might be prompt to making decisions that will impact your life in the years to come. Things that were left on the back burner at the beginning of February could also be coming back around. The last two weeks of March will be busy so it’s best to deal with things as they arise.

The New Moon in Aries takes place on March 24th signalling the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle. For Sagittarius, this reset takes place in connection with your creative projects, your real or metaphorical children, as well as romance, and pleasure. The more structured and organized you are in the next several weeks, the better off you will be.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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