Sagittarius Horoscope for December 2020

Sagittarius Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month that will be more intense than easy, and more likely to rattle your cage than the other way around. The difficulties of this Covid period of time just will not let up; although amidst the challenges are also rays of hope, especially in terms of the ongoing transformation of your values and your subsequent actions in support of such new understanding. The dramatic eclipses of this month, both having the Sun in your sign, reinforce the idea that something big is moving within you, making its own chime with changing times all around, as reflected in the zeitgeist. Your own societal contribution is one factor in beliefs and principles that are newly emerging. You are coming out of a time of deep reflection, and calling upon your most authentic version of yourself to lead the charge into new integration and wholeness. There might well be confusion at the very core of your being as you forge a new sense of identity from the ashes of the old.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

At the beginning of December, you are likely still be feeling the Lunar Eclipse that took place on November 30th, occurring in your opposite sign of Gemini, emphasizing significant relationships in your life. This Eclipse may bring up a range of situations or realizations in the weeks to come, having to do with your partnerships and what you require from them. You may have recently felt challenged by someone and needing to re-assert your autonomy. You may also be called to compromise in order to make things work in a particular dynamic. Even though things may seem somewhat unclear at the beginning of the month, you can trust that there is a process of clarification occurring. You may be prompted to eliminate things or people out of your life or on the other hand feel the need to be more conciliatory in a particular situation. The New Moon in Scorpio from mid-November brought a much needed purge that resulted in a lot of lucidity in connection with intimacy or simply letting others get close to you. This may not seem like a big deal but if you are constantly in motion how do you expect others to connect with you? Being a Mutable Fire sign means you need a lot of freedom of movement to feel grounded. However, when being in motion becomes excessive it may be hard to know exactly where you stand. Scorpio season brought clarity regarding your hidden motivations, and you may be craving more authentic connections with others as a result.

Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 1st which is good news for you. Mercury in your sign may help you organize your thoughts and ideas especially as the year comes to a close. Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces on the 5th and 6th however could find you lost in reveries. This is not a bad aspect but it does color reality with a fuzzy glow. There may be a tendency to idealize someone or something. There could be a fog of confusion during the second week of December rendering decision-making more difficult especially as the Sun in Sagittarius comes into a square with Neptune on the 9th. Again, these are not terrible aspects but on the verge of the total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th, things could seem out of synch or in limbo. Neptune is a planet most often associated with longing, divine discontent but also mystical inspiration and transcendence. The news cycle may also seem maddening, and around this time it may be hard to know what the truth is.

The total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th is a very significant juncture for you, representing a fresh start with issues of identity and self-worth, as well as your dedication to projects that you favor with all your heart. The eclipse Sun and Moon trine Eris and also Mars currently transiting in your creative sector. The influence of eclipses is believed to reverberate for six months after they occur. There may be a creative component coming into the picture or it may also be that you are in the process of re-inventing yourself. You may be exploring new concepts or ways to live your life with the desire to find more authentic expressions for your dreams, and bring them into the manifest world. You may be shedding an old mode of being that doesn’t serve you anymore, and this could create the space you need for new things to flow into your life.

On December 15th, Venus enters Sagittarius where she will stay until January 8th bringing much needed sweetness to your sign. You may want to take advantage of her transit here to treat yourself and bring special attention to your body.

On December 16th, Saturn re-enters Aquarius where it will remain until March 2023. It initially entered Aquarius on March 21st, but only stayed here until the beginning of July. You may have gotten a glimpse of things to come, and the themes which first surfaced around the Spring Equinox could appear again with Saturn’s official entry into Aquarius which for you emphasizes communication of all kinds, including social-media, but also how you share information. Your ruling planet Jupiter also enters the sign of Aquarius on the 19th where it will be for the next year. This is good news for you especially if you are contemplating new ways of doing things. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius will favor innovations in the year ahead, and it’s a good time to break out of the mold, and start restructuring the ways you’ve been doing things to keep up with the changes occurring culturally. These twin ingresses lead up to their exact conjunction on the 21st, which will bring a further emphasis of these theses.

Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Sagittarius on the 19th before it enters Capricorn on the 20th. The Mercury cazimi could feel clarifying and you may get a piece of information that helps you move forward. The cazimi may also simply be a marker in the month when you can start to see the path ahead with more lucidity.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, signaling the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The much anticipated conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius also occurs on the 21st. As referenced earlier, their placement in your communications sector, with one of them being your sign’s ruler (Jupiter) and the other representing commitment, dedication, and limitation (Saturn) make for an amazing year ahead in which communicating your ideas in either spoken or written form will be greatly emphasized. It takes discipline to be a good writer, and Saturn supplies that. Your attention may also be on the financial aspects of your life for the next month while the Sun transits in the goal-oriented sign of Capricorn.

Finally, the Full Moon in Cancer on December 29th is the lunation that brings the year to a close, prompting you to take stock of your alliances, business partners, and intimate connections. The Full Moon in Cancer may also bring a nostalgic mood to these last few days of 2020 where you find yourself reminiscing on what is past, and what might yet be improved in future years.

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