Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of change for you, Sagittarius, coming in the midst of continued societal trials and rough edges and their attendant difficulties. In the wake of last month’s telling mid-December solar eclipse in your sign, it is a question of your very identity. Every so often you must shed previous incarnations, as the growing snake sheds his outdated skin, and this might be one of those times. Not everything will transform of course; there is the continuity of your basic personality. What is likely to morph will be those parts of yourself that you have literally outgrown. In reading the signs, surprising shifts in your day-to-day habit patterns should be noted, as they might turn out to be significant. Your key relationships are quite important now as well, and might serve to guide you into prospective future involvements possessing a more studied sense of mission. You are essentially exploring hitherto unknown or unattempted facets of your own authenticity. This month can also be characterized as a time when unexpected information is likely to come your way through unusual channels, and is in fact a terrific time to journal your inner experiences around these matters.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year, dear Sagittarius, and welcome to a brand-new you in 2021! The recent Solar Eclipse in your sign last mid-December may have brought some kind of reset which is still being felt at the beginning of the year. You may have been forced to shed old ideas about yourself or someone close to you and this could feel both exhilarating and a little bit scary. Venus is still conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius at the beginning of the year which may prompt you to re-evaluate a partnership scenario or a love interest. Venus in your sign could have you feeling extra romantic. The proximity of the South Node to Venus indicates that you may also be forced to let go or surrender to a process. Do not confuse fantasy or vague attractions for an actual viable relationship. Venus and the South Node in your sign right now could indicate that there is a certain karmic scenario playing out. Staying clear of dubious people could help you navigate the first week of January. There is no need to nail yourself to a cross for someone who is not as invested as you are.

The Sun in Capricorn until the 19th, along with Mercury and Pluto there, lights up the financial sector of your chart. Mercury conjunct with Pluto on the 4th could be a good time to sort out your assets and evaluate your financial situation. This aspect helps any work that requires attention to details or research. You will also bring greater awareness to the ongoing transformation of your values, active all this past year.

Mars enters Taurus on the 6th, after a six-month transit in Aries. Mars will be in Taurus until March 4th bringing energy to the health and day-to-day or workplace sector of your chart. The beginning of the year is usually an excellent time to set resolutions. Mars in Taurus brings reinforcement to get physical, to energize new habit patterns, and may be an excellent time to deal with your stress while establishing healthier regimens.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th and joins Saturn and Jupiter already in Aquarius which brings an emphasis on the communication sector of your chart. You may become increasingly aware of the importance of the internet when it comes to exchanging your ideas and connecting with others. Venus enters Capricorn this same day, and trines Mars in Taurus, which could help you organize your schedule to maximize your time which in turn could help you increase your cash flow. Relationships are on your mind as well, and could benefit. With a little bit of planning Venus and Mars both transiting in Earth signs for the rest of January could also help you get more productive.

The world is changing rapidly and you could be contemplating new ways to use technologies to simplify your life. It may be that you have no other choice but to migrate some of your work online in the next year. The reality is that the world is very quickly getting digital whether you like it or not. Your ruling planet Jupiter transiting in Aquarius until the end of 2021 along with Saturn may bring growth opportunities surrounding technologies.

On the 12th of January, the New Moon in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in your financial sector. This is a powerful juncture, and signals new beginnings for you especially in terms of your values, your resources, and your understanding of your financial philosophy. The beginning of 2021 brings an emphasis on your income and what is possible for the year ahead. Pluto was the ruler of the underworld in classical mythology and is associated with the mineral wealth that is found underground, hence the term “plutocracy” for wealth. This New Moon emphasizes your finances and perhaps what you are currently sitting on in terms of assets. You may have a lot at your disposition but you may also need to get proactive in order to maximize your situation. Saturn in Aquarius squaring Mars in Taurus features prominently in this New Moon, and shows you’re your personal growth, while inspired, could require focus, determination and a step-by-step approach.

Uranus in Taurus turns direct on the 14th and squares Jupiter in Aquarius on the 17th which has the potential to bring a certain level of restlessness to your life, along with new ideas and realizations. You might be reeling a bit, due to unforeseen stressors. Or you might have to contend with new information that throws a wrench in a carefully laid plan; you do best to be prepared for the unexpected during the second half of January.

Staying flexible can help you move through the days leading to the First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 20th, which triggers once again the Mars-Uranus conjunction. You could feel like breaking away from a limiting situation and it's important to exert some self-control while allowing the erratic energy of Mars and Uranus to find a proper outlet. Physical activities could be an excellent way to deal with tension at this time.

On the 28th, the Full Moon in the sign of Leo might bring some acknowledgement or recognition your way. Your learning curve is high right now and new ideas flow. You could receive attention for your ideas or teachings and gain more visibility for what you know. Whatever comes through at the end of the month, it’s important that you give yourself proper rest as you may have a tendency to overwork.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th which may bring an opportunity to slow down and review your communication strategies. You could also revise logistics surrounding technology, media, publishing or any other medium you use to communicate your ideas. 

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