Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of change, Sagittarius, in many ways just like the past few months, but with a difference. As reflected in the lunations of late January and the current month, major new ideas are coming into play for you. There is a great emphasis on understanding yourself at deeper levels and for taking what you might consider “right action” in expressing your most profound values as you can come to grasp them. The Leo Full Moon, from just before the month of February began, likely was accompanied by a burst of communicative outreach, as symbolized by the Sun and Jupiter, your ruler. Since then, Mercury Retrograde has slowed you down, indicating a more introspective stance. You are also looking into what beliefs you hold dear. With the February 11th Aquarius New Moon, future plans morph and stretch. A new burst of energy for all things you is more fully available. You are going for what you uniquely have, deep inside, and you are considering how best to act upon these bottom-line principles in future weeks and months.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Capricorn from mid-January kicked off the beginning of a brand new cycle in your sector of values and resources including financial ones. You may be dealing with opportunities to expand your reach or find yourself in charge of bigger projects. As this month begins, a lot of your focus may also be spent on your ideas, and communicating them to others. Venus enters Aquarius on the 1st, joining Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun already here. The Aquarian influence is flowing into your communication sector which may also bring new learning, and new ways of looking at things. You could have some unique perspective so that others seek your opinions and skills.

Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 5th to the 7th brings a sobering influence that permeates the first weekend of the month. Your mind might be on serious matters, reviewing your goals, or you could be revising a recent conversation in your head. You might be in the process to integrate new concepts that feel foreign to you or struggling to understand something abstract. There is a learning curve that comes with every new conquest and you could be in the midst of one. Mercury, retrograde since January 30th, could symbolize that you are once more going over things you thought you were done. Communication breakdowns might also be more frequent these days, and Mercury meeting the Sun in Aquarius for its inferior conjunction on the 8th could also shine a light on a puzzling riddle. Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun represents the halfway point in the retrograde cycle and usually comes with some kind of breakthrough or clarifications. Additionally, with Mercury squaring Mars in Taurus on the 10th, you could feel argumentative and ready to debate anything under the Sun. Choose your battles wisely, and beware of allowing them to turn into unnecessary disagreements.

On the 11th, The Aquarius New Moon brings you a tremendous focus on learning, exchanging ideas, communications and the methods you employ to share your knowledge or learn from others. More extensively, the New Moon in Aquarius may represent a good time to acknowledge your skills and what makes them unique. Don’t underestimate the value of what you know. Saturn and Uranus, both associated with Aquarius, are squaring each other at the time of the New Moon, indicating a push-pull tendency to forge ahead with new projects while also holding yourself back a bit. Or tedious details could be keeping you from being able to plunge into doing what you are really good at. You could also find yourself constantly busy fixing other people’s problems leaving you little time for what you truly want to be doing. This first square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus culminates on the 17th of February, highlighting the inherent logistical issues you have to contend with in your everyday work. This square is a factor for all of 2021, occurring again from mid-May to July 4th, and from December 2021 to January 9, 2022. As time goes on, you may be inclined to assess how much you can actually get done in a day. As you get busier you may also feel called to look into that, or to find healthier ways to manage your stress.

The Sun enters the Mutable Water sign of Pisces on the 18th of February signaling the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun transiting in Pisces may bring your attention to your home, family and your personal life. You may start to feel more introverted and in need of some down time. Mercury stationing direct in Aquarius on the 20th is one peak moment of the retrograde, but things will begin to straighten out.

On the 24th, Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn could bring progress at work that intensifies your creativity or that gives you a feeing of completion allowing you to take a break. Venus enters Pisces on the 25th which may also bring a more soothing and peaceful influence in your home scene for the next thirty days. You may feel an urge to renovate or update your living quarters while Venus transits in Pisces.

The Full Moon arrives on the 27th, in the sign of Virgo, highlighting your vocational sector, along with your ambitions, and your sense of your indispensable contribution to the world. There may be a culmination process occurring at this time in terms of your professional advancements. The spotlight is on you, and there could be some form of acknowledgment for your work as well as in your private life. Your problem-solving abilities and your sense of inner purpose could also come up. You can acknowledge that you might never be able to solve all the problems of the world; and yet your hard work really does make a difference.

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