Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting month for you, Sagittarius, full of both personal and also relationship inquiry. Your evolutionary growth is preceding apace after a somewhat difficult month of June that had you questioning your assumptions and the very basis of partnership in your life. The Mercury Retrograde period is completing with Mercury’s escape from its retrograde shadow by the middle of the first full week of July. The Cancer New Moon comes along on the following Friday, July 9th, which gives you a fresh start in the areas of individual and partnership development. Your home and family is one focus now, and this includes elements of your psychological roots that you find yourself ready to tackle. It is possible that old wounds will arise in some way in the context of this monthly cycle, and if they do, this represents a golden opportunity to make progress on moving beyond them. Move carefully now, and you might come to the reward of such interior investigations, the prospect of healing that allows you to more fully embrace the most authentic version of yourself that you can muster.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign of Gemini that took place on June 10th triggered the beginning of a new cycle in relation to your relationships. The lunation cycle that was kicked off by this extra-powerful New Moon is still ongoing as the month of July begins, and as the June retrograde of Mercury in the same sign is also winding down. Mercury finally escapes from its retrograde shadow on the 7th, thus concluding the last vestiges of the Mercury Retrograde period of time. You may be in the midst of far-reaching changes in how you view the roles that other people play in your life with a new appreciation for also your professional as well as your personal partnerships. Feedback could feel more important than usual at this time as you will want to make sure you are getting the proper recognition for your work and energy investments.

On July 1st, a powerful opposition between Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius highlights effort and hard work surrounding your ideas and how to convey them to the world. You may be in the midst of exploring very complex concepts that require all of your focus and energy. Although this can represent a time of intellectual labor and hard work, progress can be made through a disciplined approach. Mars in Leo also squares Uranus in Taurus from the 2nd to the 4th and this may be your cue to take an innovative stance on what you are trying to accomplish. Be sure to remember to take a break from time to time in order to release physical or mental tension.

The Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries on the 4th could be an indication that inner wounding still lurks within you and may need your attention. This also highlights your desires to be needed and valued not only for who you are but for what you are trying to birth into the world.

On July 5th and 6th, Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces for a third time since the end of May. This could be highlighting a tendency to scatter yourself too thin and bring up the need to prioritize. There could also be confusion or a lack of clarity regarding a relationship or a home project and it could take a few weeks before you have a solid idea of what’s happening in a domestic or a partnership scenario.

Hard work and discipline continue to be indicated during the second week of July when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius. Exciting development or a surprise twist are possible with Venus also squaring Uranus in Taurus and you may have to combine pragmatism and flexibility to stay on top of your game.

The Cancer New Moon taking place on July 9th signals the beginning of a new cycle related to your intimate partnerships. You may find yourself on a vastly different territory these days as you learn to navigate the emotional waters of intimacy in a new way. This is a beautiful lunation to set intentions surrounding your need to be supported by people who truly see and appreciate you for who you are and what you bring to the world; that is to say, people who have your back. Mercury enters Cancer a few days later on the 11th coming into a supportive aspect with Jupiter in Pisces on the 12th. Communication should flow smoothly and it could be easier to negotiate contracts and agreements at this time.

Venus meets Mars in Leo from the 10th to the 14th, a conjunction that will be visible in the western sky right after sunset. This influx of Fire energy is good news for you and should bring passion and excitement for a few days. You may be bored with routine and it may be a good time to explore new ideas or go on a small trip.

The Sun in Cancer opposing Pluto on the 17th and Mercury in Cancer squaring Chiron on the 18th and 19th may have you worrying about financial matters or the viability of a recent alliance. This is a short astro-passage and it may be best to take a step back before jumping to conclusion about a particularly complex situation. The third week of July begins with Mercury coming into an innovative sextile with Uranus which may prompt you to adopt a different perspective. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st and the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd bringing a considerable shift. Your attention may turn on to bigger pastures with the Sun transiting in Leo until mid-August, sparking your desire for adventures.

The Aquarius Full Moon on the evening of the 23rd might illuminate recent ideas or concepts you’ve been wrestling with. You may gain some new insights related to your field of expertise and you may even be able to consolidate separate ideas together. This should actually feel quite satisfying! You might have to learn to delegate if you are to meet all of your ambitious goals, both public and private. Your home scene may also be experiencing new facets coupled with your new understandings.

Mercury enters Leo on the 27th, bringing your logical intelligence to bear on ideas you have been dreaming into being, and helping you to rekindle your natural risk-taking attitude. Fewer worries and more boldness is what Mercury in Leo promises to bring until mid-August.

Jupiter re-entering Aquarius on the 28th could bring back something that was in the works earlier this spring to get finalized before the end of the year. Mars enters Virgo at the end of the month also, corresponding to your career sector, transiting there until mid-September. This creates an action focus for professional considerations, and may help your end of month by allowing you get more organized, enabling the greater momentum that you will see starting to happen for things related to your work.

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