Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2021

Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2021

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another powerful month for you, Sagittarius, as you push off in new directions as indicated by the ongoing presence of Pluto within key sectors of your chart. This is along with a very active Mars placement in your career sector. The Leo New Moon of August 8th provides a fresh viewpoint on all this. You are full of energy for outer world activity. As you forge forward into your next stage, your task would seem to be that you sort among your many and varied possibilities, for what exactly you wish to do with your life. You are paying the closest possible attention to your deepest values, beliefs, and principles. This is a familiar process, taking on renewed poignancy this month with the recognition that it is getting to be time to make your move. What you will want to keep in mind are your true priorities, namely striving to uncover your most authentic self, along the lines of your own unique personal evolution. Despite prevailing consensus opinion, it must be noted that money plays a secondary role in this sense of ultimate life mission, if indeed it plays any at all.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Cancer from July 9th brought the beginning of a new cycle related to your intimate or business partnerships. What others are bringing to the table at this time could be more significant than ever for you and might be influencing your decisions and your overall emotional well-being in new ways. This period of time extends through the first week of August, until the next New Moon. You need people who support you and are willing to work as a team and that is on your mind and in your heart right now. Of course it might also be easier said than done.

As per usual, you could be busy with ambitious projects that are not leaving much time for anything else. Your ruling planet Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on the 28th of July, corresponding to your communications sector, after spending over two months in Pisces emphasizing your sector of home and family. Jupiter will be transiting in Aquarius until the end of the year and could bring back a scenario regarding education, learning, or perhaps your articulation of your ideals, that you thought was over. Jupiter in Aquarius may also increase the pace of your communication with others in the following weeks and you may be prompted to synthesize and teach what you know.

On the very first day of August, Sunday the 1st, Mercury conjunct the Sun in Leo highlights your philosophical inclinations and beliefs. You may feel ready to integrate a new worldview or a different perspective. However, Saturn in Aquarius also in opposition to this planetary pair, there is greater seriousness and commitment and you could also be faced with an irreconcilable point of view or trying to understand a difficult concept. You might be inclined to take a dogmatic standpoint on a philosophical matter or meet resistance when sharing your perspective. This might feel like you are working on a riddle that feels impossible to solve, and you might need to be patient if things are not progressing as fast as you would like.

The key lunation of this month takes place one week later, when the Leo New Moon comes along on Sunday, August 8th, bringing a fresh energy to you for philosophical pursuits or education. The ninth sector of your chart where this New Moon takes place also concerns higher mind, education, and travel experiences. In fact, traveling could be on your mind and, if so, you might want to note the square that the New Moon makes to unpredictable Uranus in Taurus could also bring strange factors or logistics to contend with. With the energy of this New Moon wrapped up with the revolutionary planetary archetype of Uranus, there could be internal fireworks to contend with or excited departures from run-of-the-mill business as usual. You may feel a pressing urge to liberate yourself from the constraint of your responsibilities so that it may be a good idea to set time aside over the following weeks for playful explorations.

The second week of August may demand that you balance your ambitious goals against a more pragmatic approach if you are to accomplish everything that you set out to do. Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces until the 9th, and Mercury in Leo opposing Jupiter on the 10th, could bring mental gymnastics into the equation and perhaps inflate your sense of what’s possible. Tempering your enthusiasm with a dash of realism could save you from having too many projects and not enough time.

Venus enters Libra on August 15th potentially increasing your social interaction and highlighting your dreams and aspirations until the second week of September. Venus in Libra could soften the harder edges of Mercury and Mars transiting in Virgo which could be highlighting extra stressors you have to contend with in your career.

A second Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on the 22nd, the first one having occurred 30 days ago in late July. This time the Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius which may bring important progress for your ideas and how you communicate them. It could be important to synthesize or refine your processes at the risk of feeling scattered or unfocused. The Full Moon illuminates the areas of your life where you have been taking on too much and, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the world at this time, it could be your opportunity to adjust your stance.

The Sun enters Virgo later on the 22nd where it will be transiting in your career sector for the next month. This may indicate a dynamic period when the need to manage your personal life with your ambitions could be more greatly emphasized. Progress can be made but you may have to delineate a strategy in order to stay on top of your responsibilities. Venus in Libra trine Saturn on the 23rd brings a sobering influence that can support a realistic appraisal of a situation. However, Mercury in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces on the 24th could easily diffuse your aim and your focus. You may feel preoccupied without being able to pinpoint what is bothering you and mental exhaustion could be possible if you do not allocate enough time for rest. Tension is indicated at the end of the month between your personal needs, a partnership, and your professional duties. This is not a long-lasting influence but you may have to divide your time and energy between very different areas of your life without being able to reconcile them.

Mercury entering Libra on the 29th may gradually release the tension that is inherent in this August timing and bring a more flexible or fluid energy to work with in the coming weeks especially within your social sphere.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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